Democratic Poor People
The Poor Party Movement (PPM) supports the Democratic Party and the government to look out for our interest. We are the poor from every class of people who the rich speaks for. But now we speak for our selves instead of someone else pretending they know what's right for us or how we feel.
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Emails and Appearance Of…What's Wrong With Democrats Thought Process?
Like most church altar worshipers, Christian Democrats, which mostly are Christians, seem to have NO instant recall.
Instant recall is the basic of being a Christian. This keep you up and in tune with the word of God. Politicians also should have instant recall when hearing comments that should tap into their memory.
As Democrats, and as a politician, we the people expect those running for office and representing those running for office to have instant recall to defend a cause in any situation they are speaking on, and especially specific conversations.
I say that to say this! Democratic Clinton advisors and responders seem to have no recall at all when speaking to the media while having Trump representative(s) present.
They act like they are afraid to speak their minds or challenge CNN news people when they seem to be attacking Hillary based on twisted lies coming from Donald Trump.
For example, no Democrat representative will continue bringing up Trump’s taxes as does Trump people when speaking on Hillary’s emails. They mention it for a second and lose their thought. man.
They let Trump’s people control the talking points. When ever, the media ask a question about Trump, his people speak shortly in defense and quickly turn it back to Hillary’s emails.
The news media agree and a question about Hillary emails to the Democratic spokes person take the talking points off Trump and back on Hillary emails.
Rather than deflect the issue back to Trump’s taxes they engage in defending emails and never returning or trying to control the talking points as earnestly as Trumps representatives by returning the talking points back on Trumps taxes..
What’s in his taxes and what is it he doesn’t want the American people to see or know about should be demanded every time a Democratic person meet the press with asking points.
Democrats should interrupt any conversation and keep the focus on his taxes. There is something in them he doesn’t want the American people to see and we demand to see them. He cannot speak of Hillary being corrupted when he’s the corrupt one. Prove he is not corrupt by showing your dealings and donations.
Trump has Clinton Campaign on the defensive and they are letting him control the talking points on Pay to Play lies as all rush to defend his remarks. This is what he want!!!!…
They seem to be playing right into his hand. Return to his taxes and stay there. Something is there. Put him on the defensive. Make this one of our main talking points!!!
Another example of Democrats lack of recall:
Talking points: Trump’s representatives and release of thousands of emails.
Emails show no facts to back up wrong doing by Hillary, but this does not stop the media and Trump’s people from saying it show the “appearance of” and this show her frame of mind because she’s had the appearance of taking money which she didn’t.
Therefore, to Trump she is guilty of taking money from clients and or show favor of doing something crooked and this is bad for Clinton Foundation and it should be closed down and charges should be brought against her.
Let’s talk about the “appearance of” that the news media often refer to and keep alive. Think of this!…. If you are standing in front of a bank when it is closed and people see you there, does this mean you intend to rob the bank?
What if you go inside when it is open and look all around you at the design and set up of the bank’s decoration. Can someone that see you looking around accuse you of about to rob the bank because they believe you have the “appearance of?” No!
If you are standing on a bridge looking down into the water, do this mean because you’re looking in the water you intend to jump just because someone see you looking off the bridge and called the law because they think you showed the “appearance of.” If so, no one would ever go around water again.
If I’m standing outside of a store looking back at it, does this mean I intend to rob it after just walking out of it because someone see me looking back at the store? No!
This is the foolishness Democrats are letting Trump and the media get away with. Why doesn’t they challenge crooked Trump and the news media’s “appearance of?”
The media should be promoting facts and not appearance of. “Appearance of “ will lock up every person and animal on earth.
There is no law that locks up anybody for the “appearance of” or every one that visit’s a sight the government deemed hostile or express hate and violent will be locked up because the “appearance of” will now be a law to convict. Ridiculous!!
So why doesn’t Democrats make this plain to news medias that constant see this as news worthy? Tell the media they are promoting lies for coverage. Why? because they are saying this may look like a crime along with Republicans when there is no proof?
Why can’t Democratic spokes people see the foolishness in this and call them out on it? I do! Why can’t people see the foolishness in lying church people and call them out on their lies? I do!
Also, black Democrats should remind black Republicans, when debating them, that they are the 1% of house pets that agree with race haters from within their party that want blacks to return to Africa. They bubby, vote and believe the same as KKK‘s.
If Democrats can’t find people that are not afraid to talk, think, recall, step in, criticize, be bold and steadfast to issues at hand and presented before them in any conversation, then contact me.
I’ll be glad to do this work for you….. For now, you are doing a very bad job in explaining!!! HIRE ME…!!!! LET ME SPEAK!!! Bishop, B. E. Ward.
As I end:
Can you imagine false Christian Conservatives that’s suppose to help all people are now calling for the Clinton Foundation that help sick people all over the world, to stop helping them because some are not white or Americans to close it down so they can hire an Idiot Donald Trump for president?
We are living in the era of the False Church! “Appearance of!“ No good for a warrant! …. Think about it! Read more at
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Church Revivals Are Not For The Church
Many church people are holding what they call “Revival“. This is from the Old Testament before Jesus brought us a ‘who so ever will, let them come” word from God.
There is no more asking God to revive us repeatedly. The word of God is now written on our hearts and in our minds and we live by it daily“. We live by every word that comes out of God’s mouth. You obey and live by it just as you obey and live by man made laws.
Needing to be revived means, you are no good for God and the word of God no longer lives in you. You are no good to yourself and others. You are almost dead and unresponsive.
No such thing can happen to a Christian unless you never were a Christian. Why would an already Christian need reviving or told over and over the purpose of Jesus and how to live right for him. This is the basic requirement of being a Christian.
This makes no sense. You can only be a Christian when you have learned to be a Christian and the knowledge of God now live in you and project out of you.
There is no such thing, as “I need a little more Jesus“ so let me go to be revived.
I can imagine everyone going to a revival and no one being a Christian. It seems that everyone there is in need of serious life support because they have lost consciousness and become unresponsive!
Church people that practice revivals are sinners blindly pleading to God of the Old Testament to revive them again. They even sing songs of “Revive me again, Oh Lord“. This is disgraceful against the true meaning of the coming of Jesus and the New Testament he brought.
The false church has so wrapped itself up into false religions that it has no idea that it has long become pagan. Yes, the greatest religion on earth is falling God badly.
No wonder two witnesses are sent from God in the end times to preach to people once more. The reason for them is because the ones he left to preach to the people have failed. Sin would have gotten worse at this time just as it is today!
I do not need reviving. As a Christian, the word of God lives in me 24/7. Think about! Read more on “Revival” at
Prayer is not for Stopping Events
Just Stop The Lies Church People
I am still waiting for all those that say God will do this or that to put an end to sickness, and disease. To close down and heal those in nursing homes. Heal those kids at St Jude hospitals. To pray to stop crime, to stop killings, to do away with funerals. What about praying to stop ISIS or not to have any one else in the world commit sin.
Sound stupid don't it? But no more silly than playing with God and deliberately lying on God saying God will do this and that if you pray and believe or say some silly saying that has not stop death, sickness or any of these things for over 1, 900 years since Revelation and well before.
These things must be until Jesus come to put an end them. Don't you know if such was possible no one love one's would ever die because no one want to see their love ones past?
Common sense ought to be learned that Jesus did not come to put an end to sickness and death. Neither Pain and worry. Even sorrow is part of life. This is how our world works. Proof! Show Proof!
What I would like to see is every one that has the knowledge of God's power to get with their churches and board planes to be dropped off in ISIS territory of Syria and Iraq and tell ISIS, "I command you to lay down you weapons cause no weapons form against me shall stand." By the way. Tell the protecting military you want to go in alone.
I guarantee absolutely not one church will volunteer to go. Not one minister or pastor will put together or start a mission to confront ISIS or any other terrorist group.
It's easy to pretend when you're safe and surrounded by military and police. Take these things away and you will be just like the Christians being killed along with other Muslims in other parts of the world where terror and murder take place every day while calling on others with guns and military to come rescue you
I say again! It easy to talk gunk when you are protected with a military that protect your with nuclear weapons, submarine, airplanes and troops that has the United States surrounded and protected from other countries as does they.
Listen people! God just want us to love him, each other, keep his word, spread his word to those that do not know and those that fall backward and help bring peace to the world, build, multiply and take care of all living things whether on the earth or in the sea.
That's it in a nut shell, nothing more! There is no power of God working in you other than the power to do right. Any one saying other wise is a liar and should show mass proof which will never happen except on some corner where the weak is taking advantage of and not allowed to think.
Any volunteers to take a bible and meet with the head of ISIS in one of the territories he holds and tell him "you better do what I say in the name of Jesus!".... I didn't think so! Now think about it! Read more at
I am still waiting for all those that say God will do this or that to put an end to sickness, and disease. To close down and heal those in nursing homes. Heal those kids at St Jude hospitals. To pray to stop crime, to stop killings, to do away with funerals. What about praying to stop ISIS or not to have any one else in the world commit sin.
Sound stupid don't it? But no more silly than playing with God and deliberately lying on God saying God will do this and that if you pray and believe or say some silly saying that has not stop death, sickness or any of these things for over 1, 900 years since Revelation and well before.
These things must be until Jesus come to put an end them. Don't you know if such was possible no one love one's would ever die because no one want to see their love ones past?
Common sense ought to be learned that Jesus did not come to put an end to sickness and death. Neither Pain and worry. Even sorrow is part of life. This is how our world works. Proof! Show Proof!
What I would like to see is every one that has the knowledge of God's power to get with their churches and board planes to be dropped off in ISIS territory of Syria and Iraq and tell ISIS, "I command you to lay down you weapons cause no weapons form against me shall stand." By the way. Tell the protecting military you want to go in alone.
I guarantee absolutely not one church will volunteer to go. Not one minister or pastor will put together or start a mission to confront ISIS or any other terrorist group.
It's easy to pretend when you're safe and surrounded by military and police. Take these things away and you will be just like the Christians being killed along with other Muslims in other parts of the world where terror and murder take place every day while calling on others with guns and military to come rescue you
I say again! It easy to talk gunk when you are protected with a military that protect your with nuclear weapons, submarine, airplanes and troops that has the United States surrounded and protected from other countries as does they.
Listen people! God just want us to love him, each other, keep his word, spread his word to those that do not know and those that fall backward and help bring peace to the world, build, multiply and take care of all living things whether on the earth or in the sea.
That's it in a nut shell, nothing more! There is no power of God working in you other than the power to do right. Any one saying other wise is a liar and should show mass proof which will never happen except on some corner where the weak is taking advantage of and not allowed to think.
Any volunteers to take a bible and meet with the head of ISIS in one of the territories he holds and tell him "you better do what I say in the name of Jesus!".... I didn't think so! Now think about it! Read more at
Sunday, August 14, 2016
God Is Not Protecting Us Or You .. Louisiana Flood…. Part 2
Nearly 5 days ago I wrote an article on how people in church pretend in good and safe times how God is taking care of them and they are so blessed because they are something special according to scripture that, if there, has been twisted it to suggest the impossible.
Many people try to disprove things I say but cannot and will never when truth over ride non facts. When proof always win. With out proof you are left with conjecture. Conjectures are not facts.
This is what goes on when conjectured teaching lead to mindless thinking. So I will use the Louisiana flood as a proof and fact that God is not working for you or doing anything for you that has not already been dome. Many do not even understand what I just said, so let me continue.
Days ago I mention how God does not intervene in our affairs and how we look to ourselves as human and as people whom God told to take control of the earth and build and multiply to help ourselves. He did not say he would do it for us. We are to take care of what he left in our hands.
No sooner than I mention the role of the Police, Fire Department, Military, Coast Guard and National Guard as being our protectors did a rain flood, that prayer could not stop, flood Louisiana, killing some and leaving many with homes and businesses flooded. Even churches and other spiritual building or churches and temples bowed to the flood.
Since most in the country call themselves Christians, I can presume these were Christians and religious people that are being displaced in the flood that has been told that they are above disasters, sickness and death because they believe in the Lord. Just call on the Lord and the flood will not come or the rain will not drop it’s water.
As you see and hear from the media they and others called on these departments of rescue and not God as they waited for help and was glad they and or their neighbor or friends came to their rescue.
It’s sad what is going on, but we can’t pray to stop anything. Actions on our part in many ways can sometime be taken and sometime not. We do the best we can to overcome and move on.
Some said, “they don’t know why God would let this happen, a case proving them being Christians?” False teaching is why they blame God for that which God has nothing to do with. Natural occurrences! Natural life occurrences.
Yet, pastors leave people with this bad taste in their mouths when something doesn’t work out the way they were taught or told it would. Such lies make God looks bad and have turned many from Christianity and the reason so many other religion is flourishing.
The rain flood in Louisiana is just one of many storms and bad things that will be. The bible tell us this. But have to learn to tell and identify truth rather than being blinded against being a truth teller and a that servant that strive to be a near perfectionist pleaser of God or be wasted and destroyed because of ignorance.
Not perfect, but striving to be perfect. This is just maintaining yourself to be the best servant we can be for the glory of God every day. The false church of today is an enemy to God. Few there be that make it in, state bible scripture.
Read more at a poor party movement of Christian and Political views.
Many people try to disprove things I say but cannot and will never when truth over ride non facts. When proof always win. With out proof you are left with conjecture. Conjectures are not facts.
This is what goes on when conjectured teaching lead to mindless thinking. So I will use the Louisiana flood as a proof and fact that God is not working for you or doing anything for you that has not already been dome. Many do not even understand what I just said, so let me continue.
Days ago I mention how God does not intervene in our affairs and how we look to ourselves as human and as people whom God told to take control of the earth and build and multiply to help ourselves. He did not say he would do it for us. We are to take care of what he left in our hands.
No sooner than I mention the role of the Police, Fire Department, Military, Coast Guard and National Guard as being our protectors did a rain flood, that prayer could not stop, flood Louisiana, killing some and leaving many with homes and businesses flooded. Even churches and other spiritual building or churches and temples bowed to the flood.
Since most in the country call themselves Christians, I can presume these were Christians and religious people that are being displaced in the flood that has been told that they are above disasters, sickness and death because they believe in the Lord. Just call on the Lord and the flood will not come or the rain will not drop it’s water.
As you see and hear from the media they and others called on these departments of rescue and not God as they waited for help and was glad they and or their neighbor or friends came to their rescue.
It’s sad what is going on, but we can’t pray to stop anything. Actions on our part in many ways can sometime be taken and sometime not. We do the best we can to overcome and move on.
Some said, “they don’t know why God would let this happen, a case proving them being Christians?” False teaching is why they blame God for that which God has nothing to do with. Natural occurrences! Natural life occurrences.
Yet, pastors leave people with this bad taste in their mouths when something doesn’t work out the way they were taught or told it would. Such lies make God looks bad and have turned many from Christianity and the reason so many other religion is flourishing.
The rain flood in Louisiana is just one of many storms and bad things that will be. The bible tell us this. But have to learn to tell and identify truth rather than being blinded against being a truth teller and a that servant that strive to be a near perfectionist pleaser of God or be wasted and destroyed because of ignorance.
Not perfect, but striving to be perfect. This is just maintaining yourself to be the best servant we can be for the glory of God every day. The false church of today is an enemy to God. Few there be that make it in, state bible scripture.
Read more at a poor party movement of Christian and Political views.
Is God Really Protecting You?
It’s so easy to catch people in lies they can’t talk their way out of. Being wrong seem to be a love romance with Satan that claim the senses.
The bible state that God do not want you ignorant. Yet, ignorant matter not to the new Church. No matter what truth one hears they seem to find a way out of it, they think.
Many are claiming God is their protector. They think this protector become a spirit body and intervene on their behalf. This will never happen! Not now! Sickness, disease, killings, hurricanes and tornadoes and war defy this logic.
The use of this word, protector, as they put it, must always refer to saving grace. If I use this word, I immediately know it is related to me standing against Satan and keeping him from taking hold and leading my life. I am protected by the word and the blood as they become my shield as I apply the word to me.
Obedience in the word of God change actions and character. Believing on the word through Jesus and God will protect me and you from hell.
The word of God will not protect you from incidents or people from thousand of years ago would still be living. A reality check.
I am protected by the word of God if I abide by it and keep it in my heart. The bible say to write it on our heart. Be watchful, stay faithful and true.
So to once again prove a point to those that say God is moving in their live and doing whatever and is their protector through out the day, I say this.
God is not intervening in our lives at all! No time. No one on earth can prove it…We are judged on what we do and not what you think God is suppose to do for you right now!
But let me get your mind to wondering. I’m doing it just to show you how disconnected you are if you keep believing falsely as you do.
Here are a series of questions. Answer them fairly and not lie. Answer them truthfully and you’re on your way to higher understanding and away from the false church toward true worshiping. Answer the list below:
1. If your house catches on fire, who will you call? ….. God or the fire department
2. If you get seriously sick and have no car who will you call? …..God or 911
3. If some one is breaking into your home who will you call? ……the police or God
4. Who’s roaming the streets and highways for criminals and intruders at night while you sleep?….. God or the police
5. If you are in trouble on the deep waters who will call for rescue? …..God or the Coast Guard, 911
6. If shootings are taken place where you are and you run for cover who are you looking to come to your rescue? …… God or the police
7. If hurricanes and tornados bring floods and trap you in your home who are you looking to rescue you?….. God or the Nation Guard and police
8. Who’s protecting you from the inside of the United States from terrorists? …. God or the police?
9. Who protect you and the United States from the inside and outside, keeping our country safe from those who want to destroy us, thereby allowing you to worship in peace?…… Is it God or the military?
10. What does the military use to deter our enemies from attacking us, you?….. Do they use the bible or Guns, bombs, war planes, submarines, ships and satellites?
11. When you get a cold or feel really bad, where do you go to get help and relief? ……. Do you go to God in prayer or the pharmacy, local family care or emergency rooms at hospitals?
Look around you. This is your reality. This is how the world and nations work and has always worked. They work by having governments, military and super weapons. It’s how we get alone with each other in this world.
We, as Christians, try to reach all we can to change as many lives as we can to let them no that we are in the world and subject to the things of the world.
But we are not of the world. We behave differently and we endure the things of this world until the end or death. We share love and the love of Jesus to others. This is our commandment.
We will be judged on how we did. Then the righteous shall be saved. No one is saved in the flesh. They must first be judged. Only one that can make the decision on who’s saved or dies is GOD!……… Read more good news at
Friday, August 12, 2016
Donald Trump - The Father And Rise of The Ku Klux Klan
I hear all kind of foolishness coming out of Donald Trump’s mouth and most of it, though lies, find it’s way onto front pages of major news networks that send signals to his followers that the rebirth of racism and domination over nations and people have been reignited, yet, a foolish possibility.
Trump has prepared the way for the rise of the KKK (sympathizers) and other racist groups to resurface. He is now their new founder. He placed himself at the very head of his party, like the Anti-Christ, where his voice can rang out to millions that has laid silent waiting for some one that speak their language and views to emerge. This leader is none other than Donald Trump.
Saying Obama and Hillary Clinton is the founders of ISIS as stated by Donald Trump are a lie that his minions can get into. No! Obama is not the founder of ISIS and it is ridiculous that a clown like Trumps is allowed to continue to disgrace our nation. But his gangs love it.
But let look at something he said about Obama who is some one he always hated. He stated clearly that Obama and Hillary were the founders of ISIS.
Well if he say Obama and Hillary is the founders of ISIS, then wouldn’t it be fair to say Donald Trump is now the New Grand master of the Ku Klux Klan and other racist groups that include Conservatives and Conservative gun toting 2nd Amendment evangelical so called Christians?
When he state Obama is the founder of ISIS Democrats should say he is the birther, founder and new Grand master of the secret and silence Ku Klux Klan sympathizers that attend all his conventions.
Read more on the false Church at
Trump has prepared the way for the rise of the KKK (sympathizers) and other racist groups to resurface. He is now their new founder. He placed himself at the very head of his party, like the Anti-Christ, where his voice can rang out to millions that has laid silent waiting for some one that speak their language and views to emerge. This leader is none other than Donald Trump.
Saying Obama and Hillary Clinton is the founders of ISIS as stated by Donald Trump are a lie that his minions can get into. No! Obama is not the founder of ISIS and it is ridiculous that a clown like Trumps is allowed to continue to disgrace our nation. But his gangs love it.
But let look at something he said about Obama who is some one he always hated. He stated clearly that Obama and Hillary were the founders of ISIS.
Well if he say Obama and Hillary is the founders of ISIS, then wouldn’t it be fair to say Donald Trump is now the New Grand master of the Ku Klux Klan and other racist groups that include Conservatives and Conservative gun toting 2nd Amendment evangelical so called Christians?
When he state Obama is the founder of ISIS Democrats should say he is the birther, founder and new Grand master of the secret and silence Ku Klux Klan sympathizers that attend all his conventions.
Read more on the false Church at
Friday, August 5, 2016
Prayer and Healing 7 Day Challenge
Weekend Finisher
Prayer and Healing 7 Day Challenge
test was given to people on Facebook trying those that was making a
mockery out of the name of God. Some have stopped but there will always
be those looking for power. They cannot stop lying for sake of trying
to prove to others they got it with no results. My job for God is to get
the truth of the word of God to the people. In doing this I run into
life long sinners that attempts to challenge me against what I say the
true interpretation of the word of God through Jesus Christ is.Without
job, and to me, this is a job, is work for God or speak for God as a
true representative of his. Forever keeping in mind what the
consequences will be for me if I knew the truth but did not give this
truth to the people. Back in the old days church institutions and
organizations learned to control masses of people through business
training and the art of speaking and motivation. A craft that run from
one minister to another catching on like a rope set on fire after being
dipped in gasoline. But have failed badly in their representation.
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