Weekend Finisher
When someone say something that they want others to believe they must in some way provide some kind of proof. If not, they fall into a category of liars. I make it a habit and a life long job and concern for people’s souls for God to point out and exposed those in the False Churches that is and have been forever turning people away from God with their twisted lies. Even lies in their own characters.
I find that foolishness and ignorance is accepted without challenge as though people have been consumed and swallowed up into the belly of Satan‘s deceptions with out care.
Unknowingly lying has been accepted in the false church as being the absolute persona of God where insane actions, comical behavior mixed with false impossible mind sets and storybooks fairytales swamp the congregation.
People believe this weird mind set is what God seek in mankind. That this is why Jesus died on the cross for, to produce people that breath lies and liars like fire breathing dragons.
It is a fact, through simple observation of death, sickness, the poor, not to mention disasters and wars that take place every day that God cannot be involved in mankind affairs and be every where, every thing to every one at one time. Never has happen ever any where and at any time in history. Absolutely no one has any fact to prove otherwise.
Before going any further, there are many people that will love to twist God’s word and tell me I am lying. So, to prove my point, I bring you to scripture that cannot be challenged or denied
But I’m interested in liars and believers of those that believe in a lie. Below is a few words of proof that is not a lie. The word of God!…..Let’s read some… It come from:
Proverbs 6:16-19, “There are six things that the Lord HATES, seven that are an AMBOMNICATION to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.”
This definitely sound like the False Church! This definitely sound like the whole world.
Revelation 21:8, “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burn with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.”
This also sound like the False Church since mostly everyone in western nations and especially in the United States, claim mostly a Christian identity. I said before and say it again, it is knowledgeable people in the United Stated that know of Jesus or belong to a Christian or religious organization that do most of the murdering, stealing, lying, stealing, hating and more.
Why do you think we call ourselves a Christian nation? Not because there are 10 people in every state, but because nearly every one you meet or be around whether good or bad identify themselves as a Christian.
Good or bad they end up in a Christian church for their funeral and burial. The preacher preach their funerals and other preacher speak from the Old Testament and the New.
Then look at the people that show up for the so-called bad. They may say they are not a Christian but they no and respect God and death to their love ones or friend enough to come to the CHURCH to would them off to heaven. ..Now, am I lying or not?
But it is the lies that have torn God’s true church apart. I don’t mean the building…but the people which God said was the temple of God. Yes, it is the people that have become the liars and it has infested the nations like an infectious disease.
Now on to the War Room!
This is a movie....Continue...
Democratic Poor People
The Poor Party Movement (PPM) supports the Democratic Party and the government to look out for our interest. We are the poor from every class of people who the rich speaks for. But now we speak for our selves instead of someone else pretending they know what's right for us or how we feel.
Friday, August 28, 2015
Saturday, August 15, 2015
The Fight Against principalities
Weekend Finisher
Eph 6:12: For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world-rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
More proof of the false church.... Did you know that slavery lasted for 245 years and started in 1620? Did you now it was white Christians that enslaved us for that long, murdered and raped us before attending and after church?...Did you know it's been only 150 years since slavery ended, passed by Abraham Lincoln in 1863, but Christians still refused to honor it for another 2 more years in 1865?....
What was the church doing over 1800 years prior to this? Did you know that the man name Dillion that killed 9 Christian in a Christian church in Charleston South Carolina was a Christian. So is his family?..
Did you know that all the policemen that killed innocence blacks were Christians and it is Christians that stand behind their killings?..
Did you know that Joyce Meyers, PTL Club Members, Joel Osteen, Rick Warren and other Republican heavy weight ministers refuse to speak out against these killings?
Did you know that the same black pastors that told their congregation that God will heal their problems, their sickness, their troubles, stood in front and led protestor's while begging the police, not God, to stop shooting blacks? Begged the government to investigate racism and give rights to blacks like that given to other races?..
But if and when there is a conviction, then they will say "God did it"...'He answered our prayers"... until the next time, which seem always ahead of us... God is not fighting your battles for you. you are..
About church and slavery...
Do you realize how long 150 years are when some of you have parents living in their 90's today?... Yes, the true gospel of the bible for blacks have ... continue .....
Eph 6:12: For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world-rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
More proof of the false church.... Did you know that slavery lasted for 245 years and started in 1620? Did you now it was white Christians that enslaved us for that long, murdered and raped us before attending and after church?...Did you know it's been only 150 years since slavery ended, passed by Abraham Lincoln in 1863, but Christians still refused to honor it for another 2 more years in 1865?....
What was the church doing over 1800 years prior to this? Did you know that the man name Dillion that killed 9 Christian in a Christian church in Charleston South Carolina was a Christian. So is his family?..
Did you know that all the policemen that killed innocence blacks were Christians and it is Christians that stand behind their killings?..
Did you know that Joyce Meyers, PTL Club Members, Joel Osteen, Rick Warren and other Republican heavy weight ministers refuse to speak out against these killings?
Did you know that the same black pastors that told their congregation that God will heal their problems, their sickness, their troubles, stood in front and led protestor's while begging the police, not God, to stop shooting blacks? Begged the government to investigate racism and give rights to blacks like that given to other races?..
But if and when there is a conviction, then they will say "God did it"...'He answered our prayers"... until the next time, which seem always ahead of us... God is not fighting your battles for you. you are..
About church and slavery...
Do you realize how long 150 years are when some of you have parents living in their 90's today?... Yes, the true gospel of the bible for blacks have ... continue .....
Sunday, August 9, 2015
God Does Not Live In Walled up Buildings
Weekend Finisher
Do going to places that Jesus said , Acts 7:48, “the most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands; as saith the prophet, or “he do not live in a house made of wood, stone or what ever,” make one a Christian? The answer is NO! Yet, there is a push to prove this scripture wrong.
Many pastors over 1900 years, more or less, has taught people just the opposite on how Jesus wanted people to worship God. Instead of in our hearts, pastors have seduced people into backward thinking by having them think that they must enter a walled up building(church) to seek God and pray for forgiveness or wants.
People honor Sunday as the day when God come down to man upon the altar in Spirit and consume the pastor to let the people be reminded that they are in the Lord's house and let all be silent. If people didn’t think this was not true they wouldn’t attend Church.
People even believe this is the Lord’s day or Sabbath day instead of Saturday which is the original Sabbath day. “Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.” Though this is not the way we worship. Most care more about the day set by man. if we didn't, then Saturday would be the day of worship and not Sunday, the first day of the week, If I wanted to get technical.
However, under the Christian church, none of this is applied because any day is a day of worship and honor to God because the word of God does not live on a certain day or in a building, but in our hearts. We are the temple of God, Why? Because as a Christian, we carry the word of God in us.
Therefore, choosing to remain worshiping on a certain day or in a building after the gospel has been shared around the world is fruitless as is seen today. People are worst than ever.
Rather than spreading the gospel to each other we meet, the pastor have us rushing back to the church as though there were some special power of God lingering in these building. They are wrong and it shows just little people know about God whom they claim to worship.
However, most ministers have and answer of scripture to fall back on, such as, “forget not to fellowship between one another,“ a scripture taking out of content. We Christians consume almost entire cities and towns in the United States. I’m sure there are always someone around to fellowship with or talk about the goodness of God or be reminded that we are never to forget our mission as a Christian.
Being walled in inside a church (building) has taking away the mission... continue...
Do going to places that Jesus said , Acts 7:48, “the most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands; as saith the prophet, or “he do not live in a house made of wood, stone or what ever,” make one a Christian? The answer is NO! Yet, there is a push to prove this scripture wrong.
Many pastors over 1900 years, more or less, has taught people just the opposite on how Jesus wanted people to worship God. Instead of in our hearts, pastors have seduced people into backward thinking by having them think that they must enter a walled up building(church) to seek God and pray for forgiveness or wants.
People honor Sunday as the day when God come down to man upon the altar in Spirit and consume the pastor to let the people be reminded that they are in the Lord's house and let all be silent. If people didn’t think this was not true they wouldn’t attend Church.
People even believe this is the Lord’s day or Sabbath day instead of Saturday which is the original Sabbath day. “Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.” Though this is not the way we worship. Most care more about the day set by man. if we didn't, then Saturday would be the day of worship and not Sunday, the first day of the week, If I wanted to get technical.
However, under the Christian church, none of this is applied because any day is a day of worship and honor to God because the word of God does not live on a certain day or in a building, but in our hearts. We are the temple of God, Why? Because as a Christian, we carry the word of God in us.
Therefore, choosing to remain worshiping on a certain day or in a building after the gospel has been shared around the world is fruitless as is seen today. People are worst than ever.
Rather than spreading the gospel to each other we meet, the pastor have us rushing back to the church as though there were some special power of God lingering in these building. They are wrong and it shows just little people know about God whom they claim to worship.
However, most ministers have and answer of scripture to fall back on, such as, “forget not to fellowship between one another,“ a scripture taking out of content. We Christians consume almost entire cities and towns in the United States. I’m sure there are always someone around to fellowship with or talk about the goodness of God or be reminded that we are never to forget our mission as a Christian.
Being walled in inside a church (building) has taking away the mission... continue...
Sunday, August 2, 2015
Americas Obsession With Gays
Weekend Finisher
One way to tell this is the false church is its obsession and overwhelming love and fascination with gays and filth. And yes, nearly everyone, about 1,800,000 people claim Christianity. The other religions, are the remaining 1,200,000 or more, that most, also whole the same infatuation.
Most of the corrupt burden lay with the majority. Though not all support gay rights, the majority, which is within the millions of so called Christians, does. Their vote for it prove it.
So, you can clearly see, when you tally this all up, it is indeed the false Christian Church that constantly defy God against his stand on gays. People pretend to obey God but not enough for him to tell them who they should love.
The Republican Party and other Conservatives, which have just as many gays in it as does the Democratic Party and other liberals, think foolishly that their party is immune from such lust.
But they are wrong and delusional. They are right smack dab in the middle making up half the gay community. Satan has blinded people to their own participation.
The true church lay not within wooden wall, but is written on hearts that make individual's their own temple toward living the will of God.
But all this, however, is just pretty talk. It only sound nice for most in the church. In practice, we find even major church leaders have changed their opinion and become turn coats against God, but believe they are still Heaven material.
In early July 2015, there was the Oscars. There, Bruce Jenner was honored with a standing ovation by Christians, as he paraded his sex change and weird look before the world calling himself Caitlyn.
The really bad thing about this was these so called Christians was rebellious toward God by saying,..."how do you like us now God," while clapping, cheering and smiling with great joy.
I want you to take a good look at the church and tell me why are the church so silent? Why absolutely hardly no one, but a few, dare say anything. It's because the church of Christians are now the world.
The church has become cowards, and though they speak great words, it is only sounding brass of sweet nothing to those having no idea of what they're hearing or what is going on.
Gays have grown to the level of, not only out voicing the Christian church, but recruiting out...continue..
One way to tell this is the false church is its obsession and overwhelming love and fascination with gays and filth. And yes, nearly everyone, about 1,800,000 people claim Christianity. The other religions, are the remaining 1,200,000 or more, that most, also whole the same infatuation.
Most of the corrupt burden lay with the majority. Though not all support gay rights, the majority, which is within the millions of so called Christians, does. Their vote for it prove it.
So, you can clearly see, when you tally this all up, it is indeed the false Christian Church that constantly defy God against his stand on gays. People pretend to obey God but not enough for him to tell them who they should love.
The Republican Party and other Conservatives, which have just as many gays in it as does the Democratic Party and other liberals, think foolishly that their party is immune from such lust.
But they are wrong and delusional. They are right smack dab in the middle making up half the gay community. Satan has blinded people to their own participation.
The true church lay not within wooden wall, but is written on hearts that make individual's their own temple toward living the will of God.
But all this, however, is just pretty talk. It only sound nice for most in the church. In practice, we find even major church leaders have changed their opinion and become turn coats against God, but believe they are still Heaven material.
In early July 2015, there was the Oscars. There, Bruce Jenner was honored with a standing ovation by Christians, as he paraded his sex change and weird look before the world calling himself Caitlyn.
The really bad thing about this was these so called Christians was rebellious toward God by saying,..."how do you like us now God," while clapping, cheering and smiling with great joy.
I want you to take a good look at the church and tell me why are the church so silent? Why absolutely hardly no one, but a few, dare say anything. It's because the church of Christians are now the world.
The church has become cowards, and though they speak great words, it is only sounding brass of sweet nothing to those having no idea of what they're hearing or what is going on.
Gays have grown to the level of, not only out voicing the Christian church, but recruiting out...continue..
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