Democratic Poor People

The Poor Party Movement (PPM) supports the Democratic Party and the government to look out for our interest. We are the poor from every class of people who the rich speaks for. But now we speak for our selves instead of someone else pretending they know what's right for us or how we feel.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

The Devil is in the Details by the blood he poured out

                                                 Week End Finisher

Republicans look great in this last electoral election held Nov. 4, 2014. The map showed burning red. All the Republicans strategized well in reading how Democrats think about their election process by not caring about local voting and state voting.

Republicans new that records showed that minorities was not interested and cared only about presidential elections. They new that blacks especially was not going to the polls because of laziness.

They also new that it was hard to get the president seat to gain supreme power but they could gain power by putting all their efforts in placing their people in key positions like controlling the House of Representative and House of the Senate.

Controlling these, they can control Obama, they hope, and do more black balling than years past and also try to cut the umbilical cord attaching Obama to the middle class and poor needs of the country.

They judged minorities and some others just right. It was as though they spent years watching and planning. Learning how minorities think and act. They knew they would get a victory and a victory they got. They read minorities better than one read a GPS.

As I looked at the map I was reminded of the devil shedding so much blood, the red. The red map even looked evil. I thought about how the devil is depicted with red eyes and himself shedding the blood of the innocence.

The blood stained .. continue ...

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

A Whole Lot Of Churches In The World And a Whole Lot Of Sin

                                                      Week Day Finisher
I don’t know about you, but the feel in the air warn me to realize something is wrong with the Church and it’s getting worse and worse just as the bible say.

Churches and their weak, proud and wealthy pastors may say otherwise because they, now, is the growing problems we often hear about in the news and see all around us that’s causing the foul stink that is destroying and has destroyed the basic foundation of the Church.

Yes, the Church as a whole is destroyed. Just a small Remnant of it is thriving for the sake of God. But through confused pastors and their dream to gain power and position through pasturing small piece churches and large ones, plus, through weak pasturing they have allow greed, sex and many abominable acts to take over the Church, dividing it into “names and personal property.” Read it in…..

2 Timothy 3:13...  It says this… “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived”

….This mean that we are in the time zone where Church has gotten worse and worse.The bible speaks of evil in the Church by pastors. The leaders.

If you can’t feel and is not discourage with the way Churches are presenting themselves, then you should stop where you are and ask yourself a question, “am I really who I say I am.” If things are going find then you are part to the destruction of the will of God and has turned a blind eye and ears to what is really going on.

The air, so to speak, smell.... continue ...