Democratic Poor People

The Poor Party Movement (PPM) supports the Democratic Party and the government to look out for our interest. We are the poor from every class of people who the rich speaks for. But now we speak for our selves instead of someone else pretending they know what's right for us or how we feel.

Friday, February 14, 2014

The Blind leading the Blind Into A Ditch (Hell) Matthew 15:14

It's funny and kind of comical to see those just as rotten as those they pretend to consul, needing counseling themselves.

Blacks especially, use God in their conversation more than 20 times a day, more than the average in this country. Yet, we have moved from second class citizenship to third class and constantly falling behind in poverty and injustice.

Pretending like you're something just because you have been fooled by your pastor thinking that going to church or speaking spiritual phrases make you some great mentor to others.

For some reason telling others how to act and making yourself presentable as some great spiritual authority is a power struggle within yourselves of wanting others to think you have reached the human immortal state of ...."listen to me I got it" when you have nothing to give except more twisted bad advice. The same goes for white people and other races. The Bible say,

"They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly. Stay away from people like that!"

But through lack of knowledge most still think they fit the quality of being God is looking for. That God does not require talented individuals. That Kingdoms are given to ...... Continue .........

Friday, February 7, 2014

Excellence Prayer, No such thing, Pretending Faith and Mixed Truth

Week End Finisher
On February 6, 2014, Obama did a Prayer Breakfast speech for the nation. First, I want you to know that there is no such thing as a prayer breakfast for the nation or nations. But this is later.

 I know you want to know about “mixed truth”. This is what you really focused on and not so much as the excellent  prayer breakfast speech. So, I will focus on the “excellence” first and the mixed truth right after.

The speech was an excellence one given by President Obama. He spoke of faith in God for the betterment of making a country safe and free from corruption against it’s own people. True! He spoke of religion in this country and in other free countries as a sign of what things could be like in other countries if they would follow our example. True and  not so true.

He mention that it was our faith in God that brought us through different eras of trials and tribulations that formed our constitution that brought us through slavery and other events because we’re Christians. Not true.

He said religion strengthen America. Not true. The Laws of man strengthen America. Man fear the law of man and the punishment it hand out much more than the obedience of God and the punishment he will hand out. This is absolutely the truth. Man care about now and not later.

Now the mixed and incorrect truth that he and every Church has lied before God is given God credit for the evil that took place in the past as well as evil and severe sin that’s taken place since and even now.
Man has always did his dirt then asked God to bless him after doing it as though God is the killer or destroyer in them making them do bad things or agreeing with them before and after they do it.

I always cringe when I hear people pretending that because of what they have no matter how sorry they are they allude to their faith in God as the mean of their achievement. As though God is .... Continue ....

Saturday, February 1, 2014

CNN Chris Cuomo self perfection Drills Dennis Rodman

Week End Finisher

On Friday morning Chris Cuomo had an invite by Dennis Rodman to speak to him at a rehab facility where Dennis is being treated. Chris Cuomo's mode was to embarrass Rodman and further make headlines as he did all over the web once again by asking inflicting question to Dennis.

Dennis made his claim and I agreed with him that he was not an ambassador or playing a political role in trying to retrieve an American held in North Korea.

When Dennis said that Kim Jong Un was his friend Chris Cuomo went at him as though he said a bad thing. "How can you call this man a friend when he had his uncle killed and treat his people like he does." "How can you call him a friend with all the atrocities he's committed, said Cuomo."

Dennis didn't know how to respond to him so I will say what he should have said. First of all I don't see Cuomo going after the President or any of the military leaders when our drones kill innocence people. I believe those deaths are more than the one the Korean leader killed that make Cuomo so mad.

I can remember when we first went into Irag an bombed and bombed and bombed innocent people and their children to death while the Americans cheered. I didn't hear Christ Cuomo condemn this. Our bombs even killed over 250 children's being house in officer's barracks and all Americans said was they shouldn't have been there or it was the military fault for putting them there. I didn't hear Chris Cuomo condemn this over and over in the news.

Have Chris Cuomo forgot that the greatest atrocity .... Continue.....