Weekend Finisher
Like hungry lions they all see a gold mind in becoming Christian ministers thus becoming rich by legally robbing and stealing from the Church using God's name to do it.
They take advantage of unsuspecting weak minded greedy individuals like themselves that's no better than these clowns they look up to. They all are trying to use God as a mean to escape their own responsibility of working hard on a decent job. Many clown has gotten rich off of the Church and their congregation left flat and broke, so to speak. Did I just say thatttttt!
Tod Coontz, one slick willie minister I watched on TV briefly, was lying his backside off and on the name of God by pretending to receive inspirational messages of insight to which he stated the spirit has lead him to ask one thousand people to send him a seed faith offering to help his gospel.
The offering consisted of no lower than $263. For this God was going to ...continue.....