Democratic Poor People

The Poor Party Movement (PPM) supports the Democratic Party and the government to look out for our interest. We are the poor from every class of people who the rich speaks for. But now we speak for our selves instead of someone else pretending they know what's right for us or how we feel.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Week End Finisher ....
The word NIGGER Vs Picnic (Pick a Nigger)
Let me explain this Nigger word that people, or should I say, the news media, or places like CNN put it, that it is offensive to black people. Well, let me explain the dictionary meaning of Nigger from dictionaries of 1950's and early 60's. They state that the word Nigger mean "fool." this told me that any one can be a fool or Nigger.

But the white slave masters of slavery and up considered blacks as less than humans and called them fools or niggers. This word was used so much against slaves that they, the house boys, used it against their own people. That is, they use it to tell workers to, "get up niggers, the master is coming" or they would use it in a harsh way.

Soon blacks became so annoyed with it that they started calling each other niggers. This lessen the pain of it they felt when the master or over boss called it to them. They used it in joking manners as well as in violent ways toward each other.

Though each other use it toward each other it did not hit a core as much as it did from the whites that had evil intention behind it that usually brought about a hanging, a killing or some other harsh treatment.

This word nigger has been used by racist whites from slavery on up to today. We have racist web sits all over the Internet. Some avoid using the word "nigger" but substitute other words like "monkey." This is what they called Obama and have many pictures of hate online describing him as less than the President of the United States.

In the Republican Party mostly, no matter what one say, this word is still being used. However, in public they are Mr goody two shoe. "I never use this word" they say, but it was used in another way when Obama was called a lie on national media's by Judge Roberts. This was the first time a seating President has ever been called a lie in a public forum .
Again, he was called a nigger, when his...... continue... 

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Week End Finisher
Church Sayings Not of God That Make No Sense
It has been proven that Christianity has been falling backwards for thousands  of years. Yes through time the Church which was the foundation of God's master plan has fallen faster than God has anticipated, I believe. During biblical time, and especially during New Testament era of the Church, strict words was laid out on how followers of Christ was to believe and become one with the word and each other.

Disciples of Christ, I'm talking those in the Bible, knew how to understand what they received from Jesus. They understood the word and understood that as leaders they had to translate the word of God to others far and near in a way that at all times their followers would know how to worship God in a way that represented the intentions of God. They knew how to worship. How to explain Jesus. How to act, speak and when and where to do all of this.

Let me explain. I'll break it down just a little bit so even a 5 year old can understand it.
Disciples knew that Jesus was going away. They also knew that he wasn't coming back until a "house was prepared and made ready" for thes,e his disciples, and all those disciples following after them because Jesus said so. In looking at a section in the Book of John it read....

John 14:1-3,  “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also."

Many people go around doing and saying that Jesus was doing things for them out of the ordinary. They even go around saying backward things that's not only not Biblical but just don't make sense. This apply to backward and twisted songs we have been bombarded with. Many in the Church have no clue to how ridiculous they sound and the terrible things to do.

I will give a few phrases and explain them away as lack of knowledge and understanding by Church people of high positions, ministers and especially those women that lie in the face of God as Prophets and predictors of nothing. they are false pretenders.

The verse above, John, will set the course of where I'm going with this. In Jesus own words he said, "If it was not so, I would have told you." Told us what? Jesus said, " I go to prepare a place for you."
Many for decades have been taught that:

1.  Jesus is with you or us! The pastor actually have people believing that Jesus is actually with them. That Jesus is literally with them and they can do anything. Even jump off a mountain, race down an highway going 100 miles per hour not fearing an accident or getting a ticket because Jesus is with them pushing them on.

People are so confused and mis-taught that when an accident happen and they didn't get killed they say,..... continue.....