Week End Finisher ....
The word NIGGER Vs Picnic (Pick a Nigger)
But the white slave masters of slavery and up considered blacks as less than humans and called them fools or niggers. This word was used so much against slaves that they, the house boys, used it against their own people. That is, they use it to tell workers to, "get up niggers, the master is coming" or they would use it in a harsh way.
Soon blacks became so annoyed with it that they started calling each other niggers. This lessen the pain of it they felt when the master or over boss called it to them. They used it in joking manners as well as in violent ways toward each other.
Though each other use it toward each other it did not hit a core as much as it did from the whites that had evil intention behind it that usually brought about a hanging, a killing or some other harsh treatment.
This word nigger has been used by racist whites from slavery on up to today. We have racist web sits all over the Internet. Some avoid using the word "nigger" but substitute other words like "monkey." This is what they called Obama and have many pictures of hate online describing him as less than the President of the United States.
In the Republican Party mostly, no matter what one say, this word is still being used. However, in public they are Mr goody two shoe. "I never use this word" they say, but it was used in another way when Obama was called a lie on national media's by Judge Roberts. This was the first time a seating President has ever been called a lie in a public forum .
Again, he was called a nigger, when his...... continue...