Weekend Finisher
First of all let me make this perfectly up front and personal. What I'm about to write has to do with the "black race" and "white race". It does not make me racist to do so. What I'm trying to do is give you the feel of what went down between whites and blacks long ago and how blacks can forgive and let live and how white Republicans and many Democrats are still possessing slave master mentality wanting to Rule and dominate others through cleansing of the raciest. Their plans has an Hitler agenda that's embedded into their DNA using God and Church as a means to super impose their will on the people.
We in this country have a problem saying what color or race one is without having someone thinking we are raciest's. It's what comes out of ones mouth and how it's delivered that make one a raciest. A raciest is acting like they are better than another simply because of their color and persona. They have become God and God has become their creation.
How can one question God when God created all the races in his image and gave them colors for beauty and distinctions. He called black, black, white, white, red,red, yellow, yellow, and brown, brown. Some make what God tinted a bad thing to mention. All of a sudden we, not me, think God should have just said, the "people", that "person" or "him" or "her".
So, if God can create love and paint his colors and name his masterpieces how he want them then who am I or you not to love what he created. Who are so called Republican Christians to say he made a mistake, to say it is up to them to correct God's mistake?
I will identify racism and you will see that deep rooted racism started completely with white American Christians. From the beginning it was the Christian church that bought, brought and stole black men, women and children from Africa. They like today lied to African Chiefs under pretense of giving these young black men good jobs and money when they got to the new world and they would send back goods and things home to their families left behind.
African Chiefs was tricked by Christians giving them jewelry and pretty trinkets and color clothing and telling them more will come to them if they sold their best men, women and children to them. When African men discovered what the white sailors's true intention were they tried to escape them but was captured and dragged upon their ships.
On board the ships Christian sailors and it's captains had the African men and women chained down to prevent them from jumping overboard to freedom. Along the long voyage to America many died. The sick and the dead was cast ........ To read more go to www.ppartymovement.com
Democratic Poor People
The Poor Party Movement (PPM) supports the Democratic Party and the government to look out for our interest. We are the poor from every class of people who the rich speaks for. But now we speak for our selves instead of someone else pretending they know what's right for us or how we feel.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Mitt Romney lies, Yet, Republican Christian still back him
You know, I'm still perplexed how after the last debate Republican and conservative so-called Christians are still backing Mitt Romney after hearing clear indication of him being a type of Satan or an out right liar.
Being a minister my self I am taught to rebuke liars not mingle with or condom a pathological liar as Mitt Romney has proved to be. The other thing I find confusing is that nearly if not all Republican ministers know Mitt Romney is lying but still back him as the right man for the job or President of the United States.
I just want you to see that these are the same ministers you watch on TV and pastor very large Churches who get on the pulpits every Sunday and attempt to teach one how to love God. How can they teach anybody about how to behave or how one's character and attitudes must change or one must put away sins and make a commitment to follow the word of God to be called a Christian if they cannot follow or believe in what they teach themselves.
One of the biggest sins of them all is a liar and a coconspirators to a lie. A liar is no good to God what so ever. There is nothing a liar can do for God other than destroy and distort his words. This is what Republican ministers are doing. They have no business behind the pulpit proclaiming the works of God but promoting the works of Satan even more.
Just Imagine the damage they are doing to childrens. They are teaching them how to lie and how to hate. How when you can't get your way it is alright to lie your way in. This is what Republican ministers teach. They feel it is alright to lie in the name of God. They do it by finding one things they think fit their concern then stay with it and teach that it is what God want, to weak minds, and they all become followers of the same lie.
Now I have a question for those who follow them. Do you have a conscience? Do you have a Christian spirit indwelled in you? Do you need the pastor to Guide you or do you need God? Why can't you tell the different between right and wrong? Why can't you, with the spirit of God, recognized the different between a lie and truth? Will you let your relationship with your pastor cause you to become defiled and miss out on your salvation? And last, you must learn to walk along.
Romney has proven to be a liar and a twister of the truth and yes he is deem ok and fit to rule by Republican pastors and their flocks. Pastors flock see no wrong and is following them like a duck toward hell. Their actions are why I find the need to question what religion they're in. A need to reach out and exposed their actions against God. Or should I say, using God to push their agenda of robbery of the people in the name of God.
No liars shall enter the Kingdom of God. No matter how great they seem to be in this world. Think about it..
Being a minister my self I am taught to rebuke liars not mingle with or condom a pathological liar as Mitt Romney has proved to be. The other thing I find confusing is that nearly if not all Republican ministers know Mitt Romney is lying but still back him as the right man for the job or President of the United States.
I just want you to see that these are the same ministers you watch on TV and pastor very large Churches who get on the pulpits every Sunday and attempt to teach one how to love God. How can they teach anybody about how to behave or how one's character and attitudes must change or one must put away sins and make a commitment to follow the word of God to be called a Christian if they cannot follow or believe in what they teach themselves.
One of the biggest sins of them all is a liar and a coconspirators to a lie. A liar is no good to God what so ever. There is nothing a liar can do for God other than destroy and distort his words. This is what Republican ministers are doing. They have no business behind the pulpit proclaiming the works of God but promoting the works of Satan even more.
Just Imagine the damage they are doing to childrens. They are teaching them how to lie and how to hate. How when you can't get your way it is alright to lie your way in. This is what Republican ministers teach. They feel it is alright to lie in the name of God. They do it by finding one things they think fit their concern then stay with it and teach that it is what God want, to weak minds, and they all become followers of the same lie.
Now I have a question for those who follow them. Do you have a conscience? Do you have a Christian spirit indwelled in you? Do you need the pastor to Guide you or do you need God? Why can't you tell the different between right and wrong? Why can't you, with the spirit of God, recognized the different between a lie and truth? Will you let your relationship with your pastor cause you to become defiled and miss out on your salvation? And last, you must learn to walk along.
Romney has proven to be a liar and a twister of the truth and yes he is deem ok and fit to rule by Republican pastors and their flocks. Pastors flock see no wrong and is following them like a duck toward hell. Their actions are why I find the need to question what religion they're in. A need to reach out and exposed their actions against God. Or should I say, using God to push their agenda of robbery of the people in the name of God.
No liars shall enter the Kingdom of God. No matter how great they seem to be in this world. Think about it..
Friday, October 12, 2012
Life is in the blood and not at conception
Life is in the blood and not at conception - Leviticus 17:11
Why do I have to keep showing Republicans pastors and Catholic priests this scripture in the Bible. They claim to be God called yet will not stick with the written word of God. So here it is again. It reads:
11. For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul.’
This clearly states life is flesh and it is the blood that make it life. Only the blood can make atonement for the soul. The soul can only come from life.
Sperm and semen is not blood. Therefore, according to the Bible it cannot be life. Therefore again, life cannot be obtain at conception. It's only a preparation for life that take stages to reach.
Why want Democratic Christians quote the bible as written. It is true. Republicans cannot find anywhere in the Bible that life start at conception except scriptures they are twisting to prove themselves.
Life is in the blood!
Is God really in the healing business. No! but you can read more at my website.
Why do I have to keep showing Republicans pastors and Catholic priests this scripture in the Bible. They claim to be God called yet will not stick with the written word of God. So here it is again. It reads:
11. For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul.’
This clearly states life is flesh and it is the blood that make it life. Only the blood can make atonement for the soul. The soul can only come from life.
Sperm and semen is not blood. Therefore, according to the Bible it cannot be life. Therefore again, life cannot be obtain at conception. It's only a preparation for life that take stages to reach.
Why want Democratic Christians quote the bible as written. It is true. Republicans cannot find anywhere in the Bible that life start at conception except scriptures they are twisting to prove themselves.
Life is in the blood!
Is God really in the healing business. No! but you can read more at my website.
Friday, October 5, 2012
The Conservative False Church And Islamic Terrorists
Weekend Finisher
It is time for the Conservative Republican Churches to be expose to who they really are. They
have used the Bible for decades to promote hate and discontent between brothers and sisters in all races. They care nothing for the poor nor do they really care about children's in shelters and
home needing mothers and fathers who can, with all their wealth, take care of them.
This False Church, as I will call the conservative so-called Christians Republican and
Conservative others, have many ministers posing as men of God that has lied to most people
using God's name as a pretext to twist their spiritual thinking toward believing in them rather
than God and his word as written. That it is they, not any other organization or people, that God
uses to promote his agenda of creating worthy folks for the kingdom of God.
All Conservative Churches build their fortunes off the backs of wealthy and rich people and yes
poor unknowing people who think they can buy some kind of miracle from God by donating their
money. The Church has taught these people that through paying large amounts of (money) tithes
to their Churches that God will heal their diseased bodies and give longevity to their old age and
protect their bank accounts and even cause them to grow through their faithful giving. This
slickness has made it possible for many high tech mega churches to grow and bring great wealth
to their pastors and friends.
Teaching the love of God to their followers are quite different than how it is taught in
Democratic Churches. For example, the Bible teach us to love God. This is something the False
Church doesn't understand. Let's read in Matthew 22:27, it read
"Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind".
They fail to see that this mean that they should obey and follow in the teaching that God believe in. That is, in loving not only him but having a heart for others that are not of you. Lets read, John 13:34
"A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also
love one another".
Now we see it was commanded that Christians should love each other. This scripture doesn't stop
there, it mean to love everybody whether Christian or not. There is no way one can care about
another or go out into the harvest and try to bring others into Christianity without having a love
for them that will produce the same type of love in them toward others.
It is possible to spread a false love out side of the bible by twisting it to mean something it really
doesn't mean. If that false love is achieved then the recruits from it has nothing to build upon
except false love reasoning based on what and how they was taught by their leaders. Reason
being, false love include twisted lies.
It is the Church responsibility whether Democratic or Republican to show genuine love all the
time rather than presenting a part time love for 3 years 11 months that end up showing your true
self and false love at the ballot box. This is the time when Conservatives Churches vote against
that which could help the poor. Voting time is when the False Church of conservatives show
their true selves using reverse love. Vomiting up what's buried deep within their churning and
burning stomachs that can no longer be held within. Bursting forth is the true self and
representation of their father Satan and his ideals of what separatism should be.
Interjection... Democrats don't start thinking you are holy simply because one of the false
Churches has been exposed.....
Let me pause here to let the Democratic Church no that what I say go for them also. There is
mostly sinners in this outfit as well, yet, there are a few who believe God is still in charge and is
stilling ruling the hearts and souls of those that will do his will. Those that believe in love of all
men no matter of color, religion or nationality. Ready to defend every word of God that Jesus
delivered from God. To defend those messages after the death of Jesus which was divinely
inspired and giving to disciples to further inspire and excel upon that which has and has not
reached the ears of the knowing and unknowing. To explain and clarify. To tell the truth and
nothing but the truth..... That sounded so good it made me shake!... Now back to the False
Terrorists are like Hard core Republicans
of God, has given me no choice but to treat them as I treat Islamic terrorists. Not hating but
having deep desire to speak with them and share the real love of a real God with them. To get
them to shut up for a while and just listen with common sense.
I find both are interested in nothing but country, Constitution, guns, founding fathers,
suppression, slavery, killing and separation of races all in the name of their God. And Yes! both
believe they are doing their God's will. And yes, both will use their God in any way possible to
achieve their goal of one nation and one party with out any other parties to oppose them or their
views. Both want control of the world, their nations and their governments even if they have to
lie twist and kill to achieve their objectives.
Some of you may say this False Church will not kill, but let me refresh your history. This false
Church is a make up of the most notorious hate groups in the United States that call themselves
Christians. There are millions across the internet on twitter and websites that spew out hate daily
that claim to be Christians. There are pastors who stand up in Church and secretely teach hate
through secret code words.
Then there is Rush Limbaugh who is the father over all Republicans
so-called Christians. Yes, nearely, not all, has the capability to do harm. However, the only thing
that hold them back is the LAW. The criminal Justic System. Death and prisons. For example, if
Rush Limbaugh and his followers did not fear the law and had free hand as they want, do you
think they would not do harm to those they preach against? Of course they would.
So, why would one that really has a desire to serve God want to put their soul in jeopardy by
continuing to be a part of something that keeps their hearts from really opening up to God but
always being straddle the fence being neither hot nor cold and fit for nothing.
I could forgive them and continue to say they are Christians. Yes, I could. But I want! I can't!
Why? Because they have emerged themselves so deep into their conservative views that I could
not live long enough to actually forgive them. Why? Because it it they who must individually
reject the the Republican Conservative Party and Democratic Conservative stand and then I can
forgive them. Forgiveness is based on whether one has stopped and breaking God's rules and do
right toward their fellowman.
Because this False Church has such hard core followers in it that it is almost impossible to
change many of them no matter what I say or anybody else say will make a difference. You see
how hard it is to help a terriorist. Zilk!
Like Islamic terriorists, the conservative Churches are bad for this country. It's a shame that in
our country we have anti-Christ's embedded so deep in our society. And it's bad and getting
worse. You as Christians have not been preaching the right Christianity. Now it's time to do so.
Speak to your Republican friends and or send them to my ministry website.
Many of us think that our job of salvation is nearly complete just because every one know about
Jesus. But now you are finding that salvation is an ongoing practice. And going out into the
harvest still apply. There is a whole new crowd of sinners closer than you've thought. Right next
door. The Conservative and Conservative Republican Party. Now go out and get your name in
the Book of Life.
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