Weekend Finisher
President Barack Obama's birth certificate is back in the news again. It is definitely an issue racist Republicans believe is a Presidential winner but a no brainier.There are many Republicans who feel that Barrack Obama is not a natural born citizen including so-called Christian Republicans. What does Obama have to do to prove himself? Nothing! The fact is, there is nothing he can do. Oh, I forgot, he can lose his black half and the Birther issue will vanish as though it never happen.
Still in this country you have people full of racism hiding behind the economy knowing full well it is not the economy that get them all fueled up but the fact that Obama is a black man. Yes, I said it. A black man. It's the color that's deeper than the white side that offend them and as racists this just infuriate them.
Donald Trump is a major player that's fueling the fire of this Birther issue with other lame brain idiots of haters that have his same werewolf up breeding and blood line. No matter what Obama has done and how well he's doing it will never make any different to these last of 40 year type wilderness losers soon to be extinct jokers.
Extinct not yet, the Republicans Birthers pose a great problem for us poor people trying to micro manage our live with what little we have. Their job is to take away what we have gained. But to do this they must get Obama out of the way by trying to make him look as bad as they can to others like them with small minds.
Even non- Birther haters have the same inner thought as the Birthers. Racism. They just go about it in different ways. They do it with smiling words and lying phrases of "we do love the poor", "we are not racists, it's the Democrats".
Birthers, as with Donald Trump, are the wealth grabbing plantation minded master wanna be's with a Hitler's dream outlook for a nation, they think, still possible to be ruled by supremacist left overs that still think they can build a world with out colors. With out rainbows. With out jelly beans. No M&M's, Chicklets or a single Panda bear. A nation of one color. The color of NUTS!
The Birther issue is just plain stupid, but show just how far this country has come and how far it has to go when you have half of the country, meaning the Republican Party and some Democrats still living in the past. You can't change a people if they don't wana be changed. You just have to wait until they die out.
This will take a very long time so don't go holding your breath unless you're dead. Because there are too many Donald Trumps and Tea Party Birthers and sympathizers of hate baby boomers in America. 40 years in the wilderness will be but a drop in the bucket when it come to them dying out. So set your self, if God does not intervene, for the long haul.
So, pack a good lunch, go to school, get trained, find a good job, enjoy your life and the future, try to love to get along, keep your eyes wide open for the day when all men will truly be accepted and created equal by those who pretend to know the Constitution of the United States.
For sanity purpose this will be the last time I will write about these Birther clowns. I will let the so-called Christian Conservative Church leaders speak out against the hate like they have always done. They said in the past: "stop the hate","We need to love every one as God said, hallelu.............jah! Yea Right! Hypocrites! Liars! .......Promoters!
You think about it!.