Democratic Poor People

The Poor Party Movement (PPM) supports the Democratic Party and the government to look out for our interest. We are the poor from every class of people who the rich speaks for. But now we speak for our selves instead of someone else pretending they know what's right for us or how we feel.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Birthers, racism, Christian Conservatives, Donald Trump, OH My!

Weekend Finisher
President Barack Obama's birth certificate is back in the news again. It is definitely an issue racist Republicans believe is a Presidential winner but a no brainier.

There are many Republicans who feel that Barrack Obama is not a natural born citizen including so-called Christian Republicans. What does Obama have to do to prove himself? Nothing!  The fact is, there is nothing he can do. Oh, I forgot, he can lose his black half and the Birther issue will vanish as though it never happen.

Still in this country you have people full of racism hiding behind the economy knowing full well it is not the economy that get them all fueled up but the fact that Obama is a black man. Yes, I said it. A black man. It's the color that's deeper than the white side that offend them and as racists this just infuriate them.

Donald Trump is a major player that's fueling the fire of this Birther issue with other lame brain idiots of haters that have his same werewolf up breeding and blood line.  No matter what Obama has done and how well he's doing it will never make any different to these last of 40 year type wilderness losers soon to be extinct jokers.

Extinct not yet, the Republicans Birthers pose a great problem for us poor people trying to micro manage our live with what little we have. Their job is to take away what we have gained.  But to do this they must get Obama out of the way by trying to make him look as bad as they can to others like them with small minds.

Even non- Birther haters have the same inner thought as the Birthers. Racism. They just go about it in different ways. They do it with smiling words and lying phrases of "we do love the poor", "we are not racists, it's the Democrats".

Birthers, as with Donald Trump, are the wealth grabbing plantation minded master wanna be's with a Hitler's dream outlook for a nation, they think, still possible to be ruled by supremacist left overs that still think they can build a world with out colors. With out rainbows. With out jelly beans. No M&M's, Chicklets or a single Panda bear. A nation of  one color. The color of NUTS!

The Birther issue is just plain stupid, but show just how far this country has come and how far it has to go when you have half of the country, meaning the Republican Party and some Democrats still living in the past. You can't change a people if they don't wana be changed. You just have to wait until they die out.

This will take a very long time so don't go holding your breath unless you're dead. Because there are too many Donald Trumps and Tea Party Birthers and sympathizers of hate baby boomers in America.  40 years in the wilderness will be but a drop in the bucket when it come to them dying out. So set your self, if God does not intervene, for the long haul.

So, pack a good lunch, go to school, get trained, find a good job, enjoy your life and the future, try to love to get along, keep your eyes wide open for the day when all men will truly be accepted and created equal by those who pretend to know the Constitution of the United States.

For sanity purpose this will be the last time I will write about these Birther clowns. I will let the so-called Christian Conservative Church leaders speak out against the hate like they have always done. They said in the past:  "stop the hate","We need to love every one as God said, hallelu.............jah!  Yea Right! Hypocrites! Liars! .......Promoters!
You think about it!.

Monday, May 21, 2012

So-called Christian Conservatives don't get who we are? They will!

The firery Vice President Joe Biden is fired up, just as the rest of us should be. He's saying in many of his stump speeches that the Republicans just don't get who we are".

This phrase from him sound good but we all know they no who we are and can care less.  They also know we are the Democratic Party standing in the way of them controlling the United States through in by a Presidential election of Mitt Romney, who is but a small pawn in a very clever game.  A game of chess where as the players are the Tea Party controlling the king and queen every move.

But to Democrats, Romney is just an ordinary knight skipping here and there not really knowing what to do. The so-called Conservative Christian have almost gotten him to discontinue his Mormon relationship.  Romney is force to run for idiotic ideals he really know is wrong but see the road to the White house worth the double cross and death of poor people to get their.

As for as so-called Christian Republicans, they are use to double crossing and crookedness and are perfect teachers to teach Romney how to hate but do it gracefully.  Smile while grinning through sparkling teeth while suppressing your true feelings of conning the silly season of poor whites, blacks, Spanish and others who's easily fooled but love the Republican Party for sticking it to them so fast that they can't see it coming.

Pitiful little Republican people who are so mesmerized by wanta be wealth that they are willing to sell their souls to pretend to be one of rich for a day. They are willing to sacrifice their health benefits which they cannot pay themselves, or go hungry for the sakes of keeping poor Democrats from enjoying just a small piece of the juicy cut steak.

So Called Christian Republicans want to go back to the days when most of the country was not prying into their undercover business. A time when they can take and ransack the country with no regulations in place to stop them. They want to return to the days of Robin Hood, I mean, "Robbing The Hood" Republicans.  They take from the poor and give to the rich.

Vice President Biden say "they", the Republicans," just don't get who we are"?  We are the Poor Party that want to take back from "Robbing The Hood" Republicans. Hey! That sound like a good slogan. Maybe the party can use it......Think about it!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Obama, gays and God.The Republican party are full of Gays many are teaching in their churches. Such hypocrites


Now that Obama has come out and openly defended Gay marriage against God, it is also fair for me to come out and defend God. What Obama did pleased all now gays and future gays but, for the few straight that are left, it made us furious as how people can call themselves Christians and when the time comes, present themselves as "Peters". That is, quickly denying God for life or in this case for a vote.

As I pointed out in my last writing, there is no forgiveness for intentional sin. Some may think that they can commit sin and some where down the line when the time come, they can ask for forgiveness.

Many pastors have preached this type of forgiveness for decades to people who willingly accepted that God would forgive any sin if a person confessed. While this is true, it is not all together shut and closed by a long ways.

You see, forgiveness was giving to those that did not no the plans of God, but was introduce back to him through Jesus Christ that delivered God's word to them. They were told that God would forgive their sins if they believed in God through Jesus. They did not know Jesus but believed in what he taught and accepted him as the Son of God. The key word here is "TAUGHT".

As the word spread the knowledge of God went forward all over the world. Any one who did not no Jesus had the chance to meet him through the word by accepting the word and asking forgiveness. Forgiveness is for those that do not no him. The key word phrase here is ""DID NOT KNOW HIM".
So, is it true that God will forgive you over and over, especially for something you was "taught" and knew WAS wrong? That's only true depending on what you did.

To continue doing something you know is wrong, should God continue to forgive you? No! If he did then he would be a respecter of persons. That is agreeing with their sins.

What we know here is that God forgive sin of those who don't know him. We learned that God will forgive some sins if those sins are placed in a position to be erased. To be forgotten never for God to remember them again.

Then, if a sin that goes against the teaching or law of God is written down and made a Constitutional Law, what about those that made it possible? How can God forgive them of that sin that is made permanent and cause so much disobedient against God? Is this a sin unto death? A sin that is unforgivable.

What about agreeing against God on gay marriages? Obama called himself a Christian. Yet, as the President of the United States, his opinion carries enough weight to please and change millions of minds against God. This cannot be undone. Yet, he can ask for forgiveness but it will not count until a public announcement against gay rights is made and he is sincerely sorrowful for it. This is very hard since he knew what he was doing when he made a public announcement. He turned hi back on God and made himself  his own god. He denied God by denying the truth of God.

He knew the truth, but told God it is more important to honor his wife, children and gay rights advocates who he, not God, believe is being treated differently than other people. That God is discriminating himself against gays and he (Obama) must take the lead and defend their rights against him.

Those who write Gay rights into State's Constitutions has a forgiveness problem also. So does  politicians that supports gay rights. Those who are changing the minds and hearts of millions just as Obama did.

Therefore, does this mean that all those who agree with gay rights to marry and other rights, that they cannot get forgiveness either? No but with a big Yes! But it will be hard for such a person to receive forgiveness because nothing has occurred from God visually to cause them to fear him and change their minds. They see nothing wrong with gay life styles. So, yes they can get forgiveness, but will never ask for it. They have lost their heart for a gay heart. Only a They see themselves as gays in the future or is leaving the door open just in case. Few will succeed in getting forgiveness.

Now! So-called Christian Republicans pretend they are saved because they pretend to stand up for God. They make all kinds of "IT ain't right for a man on man or woman on woman to marry" but forget that the Republican Party itself is loaded with Gays. Even in politics and at Liberty College. It is impossible for these many gays to exist only in Democratic Churches are be all Democrats. They are evenly split, if not more in the Republican Party.

Also let me say to Republicans that being a gay hater with all the other sins piled up on you want get you into Heaven. So, to run your mouth and think you will slip into Heaven just because you dislikes gays want get you there. You are hypocrites and liars.
Further more, the Church in whole is responsible for what is happening today. so, they have lost their credibility before God. The Church has fail God. Gay's in this world is taking over and there is nothing the Church can do about it.

Their is nothing the Republican so-called Christians and Democratic Christians can do except move on and find something other to talk about and lose their mind over. There is no turning back for gays. The only thing the Church can do now is launch a program of some kind to save from this point on just as many as it can. This will be hard for all Churches.

One day God will ask those in Church this question, "Why did you let this occur that you now force my hand to eradicate humans again"? "What shall I do with you who ruined the world I gave you to populate, create and build".

"Now it is time for my Son to rule". "But before he take control, some must die out". I'm just thinking what God might say.

Back to Obama. We all have our favorite politicians who we feel will best help the country and
the people. We do not look at one thing but every thing. The whole picture. While I do not like what he did, that is own his conscious. He has to live his decision and so do all others. His gay moment has nothing to do with the economy as I see it. I will always look at him different from now own as not being a Christian, but will praise and support him as a man trying to help the country and the little man.

Many Democrats are upset right now but this will, like every thing else, fade into more important matters and the people will stay and vote for Obama.

After all, if all politics and I'm sure you will "Think about it".

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Allowing GAYS to become legal married couples is against God and supporters against Amendment one will suffer because of it.


Constitutional Amendment One for marriage to be between a man and a woman is a Christian right to up hold. I may be a Democrat but I ain't stupid by a long shot.

Many Democrats, mostly gays want this Amendment to fail. They feel that they have the Democratic politicians hand tied unless they vote against it. Bev Perdue is against the Amendment. Many more politicians are against the Amendment also.

However, as a Christian I have to do what is right despite threats from gays not to votes for those running for office who oppose them. The fact remain, that whether the Amendment fail or not the gay community will still vote Democratic or Republican regardless. Democrats will not lose any votes because Republicans are worst on gays and non-gays than Democrats in other areas of our economy.

I'm not going to make this long like I could do, but I will say this to all who vote against  Amendment One. If you vote against it, forget about ever becoming a Christians.  Once you go down as voting against an Amendment that oppose God, then their is no forgiveness for it. You commited a great sin.You can't change it unless another vote come up to reverse it, which could take place, but what if another vote never comes up again, which I doubt it will.  As for as I see it, you just committed the ultimate sin that cannot be changed.

To be forgiven for sin is a sin that has been erased. Not to be used against you again. This sin against God is always up before God's face as a reminder that you help perpetuate a life style he is against. Therefore, every one, now and all after, that is born in the United States are living according to your law because you did away with God's law.

You know that two men or two women cannot start a world nor a family. Put them separately on an Island for 100 years, if they make it that long, return to it in 100 years and there is nothing there. Nothing but the island itself. However, with a man and women  placed on and island and in 100 years there will be million of people living there. This is simple enough for a ground hog to see. God said to create and populate the earth, go and multiply. Two men and two women can't do this no matter how they try to explain it away.

I certainly would not like to see people pretending to be Christians when their life has already been written for them to be doomed for hell. This will be so sad to actually no you are going to hell and no repenting of your sins will help you because you was part of a law to overthrow God.  So as one vote, so as one believe.

I can still vote Democratic for many other reasons despite me not liking how politicians are voting against Amendment One. This is their life. If they care nothing for it, so be it. I still vote for the best Party working for me in many other areas.

Think about your vote and your conscious. But be careful.

The stupidest black man in America Lloyd Marcus is at it again. Read the resurrection of this jerk.