Weekend Finisher
Herman Cain is a Republican rich cronie who sides with other rich cronies of his party to rob the poor and give to the rich. Although he is a nobody in political terms, that is, he has no experience in government at all, except business experience, he want ordinary black and sensible Democrats to believe he is the answer to all our problems.
After realizing Democratic blacks are not as stupid as Republican blacks, such as Lloyd Marcus, he now turn his evil thoughts against us by claiming Democratic blacks were "brainwashed". Like we don't no who's for us and who's against us.
Cain says he can get a third of black votes from Obama. He should get off the funny stuff he's smoking and face reality. The majority of blacks will never vote Republican at any time.
And Yes, blacks were once Republicans because Democrats were "Conservatives". Once Republicans became conservatives, blacks switched over to the Democratic Party. I guess Mr Cain didn't read that part of history.
Herman Cain think he can pit two blacks against each other in a presidential race. This guy is really dumb in thinking he can brainwash Republicans in voting for him as their candidate. Now that's laughable.
Republicans does not believe in loving their neighbor, only thy mother, father, brother, close cousins, friends, thy friends money and, of course, thy money. Herman dear, you are not in the true family tree.
Now who's "Brainwashed?"
Think about it.
So-called Christian conservatives do not believe Democratic are Christians. They need to repent.
Bishop Ward
Democratic Poor People
The Poor Party Movement (PPM) supports the Democratic Party and the government to look out for our interest. We are the poor from every class of people who the rich speaks for. But now we speak for our selves instead of someone else pretending they know what's right for us or how we feel.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Who is the CBC (Congressional Black Caucus)? Most blacks doesn't know who they are or what they do.
I am challenged to find out who the CBC is since their name has become loudly spoken and advertise by (D Calf.) Maxine Walter's blasting of Obama about not paying attention to black unemployment.
So far I've found nothing to prove they should be earning millions of dollars to be considering themselves working for blacks in congress. I do however, see that they waited until Obama was President before they decided to speak out so loudly with bravely like cowards of the past.
Unemployment has always been the highest for blacks of any group of people forever and forever. I've seen nothing the CBC has done to lower it. If so, some body tell me about it. if so, why haven't they made an impact and why aren't blacks cheering their name?
Maxine water has a lot of mouth. I just heard about her since she became so emboldening because a black person is President, and suddenly found the nerve to speak out. Till this time most blacks has never heard of her accept in her own district.
Maxine talked about what the CBC did in bringing job fair to black areas and stated they did more than what Obama did. Big deal! You should have done more long before Obama became President. But did much of nothing. I didn't hear about any job fairs under President Bush, Bill Clinton or any president. If you did it didn't work. Blacks are still more unemployed as ever.
The only way the CBC can help blacks is to bring businesses into black areas to build. That is what's needed to cut black unemployment. Job fairs will not solve black unemployment. Any group of blacks could have done this and not be a member of the CBC. It was a good gesture that the CBC knows is a drop in the bucket as to what blacks really need. That's business building and creation and not job fairs or should I say both is needed side by side.
As often, blacks are played by the upper class blacks in thinking that we are protected if we have smart talking educated cronies siting in high places pretending they are working in our behalf and or we need a personal leader to lead us. Not so! nothing from nothing leave nothing no matter who's in charge.
Well, I would like like to see and know exactly what the CBC is doing on their own. It must be nothing since they are crying on the shoulders of the president to do it for them. If you are constantly crying to the president to do this and that for you then what are you needed for.
Get off you back sides and find businesses to build in these areas. Find ways to get money into black hands who have ideals and the will to start and build businesses in black areas. Just do some thing instead of running around crying and winning to the president to do your elected jobs for you..
Maxine Waters you had your two seconds of fame now shut up and follow my advice. What are you and the CBC gonna do? Keep pretending or put out some real unemployment black job reduction businesses in black areas, neighborhoods, towns and cities. If not, then go back to holding your conventions and fools those rich and wealthy cronies who can only attend your lavish functions.
If you don't know how to do it. Ask me! Think about it.
Bishop Ward
Friday, September 23, 2011
Rick Perry is lying about Obama patriotism. Does that mean conservative so-call Christians are liars too?
Weekend Finisher!
Rick Perry has out a new ad claiming Obama have not created one job. What a liar. Over two millions jobs have been created. He stated in so many words that Obama was not an Americans by challenging his patriotism like he does not care for America because he is not American. Another lie.
This bertha issue has already been proven to be a lie as to where Obama was born. He's American. Another lie by the Rick Perry and his so-called Christian followers. However, like creeps they are, I believe the birtha issue will be an issue in the coming 2012 election. Why? Because Satan loves a lie and is the father of it.
Republicans embraces lies like hot dogs and apple pie. Like lima beans in it's own thick gravy season with just a hint of sugar and juicy ham hocks served with home cooked savory biscuits. This means that they can really get into lie and twist the truth real good.
But I put forth this question? If Rich Perry ads are full of lies and those lies are supported by so-called Christians, then wouldn't that make Republican so-called Christians liars too! Wouldn't that make them coconspirators and deserve hell time for their involvement in the lie. I think so.
I believe the bible teaches, no, I know the bible teaches that no liar shall and will never enter heaven. So have I been telling the truth all along that so-called Christian conservatives cannot be true Christians because they lie and embrace lies and liars. It seem I am right again. "OUuuuPs, there it issss"!
Think about it!
So-called Christian conservatives are bound for hell. Now is the time to repent.
Bishop Ward
Rick Perry has out a new ad claiming Obama have not created one job. What a liar. Over two millions jobs have been created. He stated in so many words that Obama was not an Americans by challenging his patriotism like he does not care for America because he is not American. Another lie.
This bertha issue has already been proven to be a lie as to where Obama was born. He's American. Another lie by the Rick Perry and his so-called Christian followers. However, like creeps they are, I believe the birtha issue will be an issue in the coming 2012 election. Why? Because Satan loves a lie and is the father of it.
Republicans embraces lies like hot dogs and apple pie. Like lima beans in it's own thick gravy season with just a hint of sugar and juicy ham hocks served with home cooked savory biscuits. This means that they can really get into lie and twist the truth real good.
But I put forth this question? If Rich Perry ads are full of lies and those lies are supported by so-called Christians, then wouldn't that make Republican so-called Christians liars too! Wouldn't that make them coconspirators and deserve hell time for their involvement in the lie. I think so.
I believe the bible teaches, no, I know the bible teaches that no liar shall and will never enter heaven. So have I been telling the truth all along that so-called Christian conservatives cannot be true Christians because they lie and embrace lies and liars. It seem I am right again. "OUuuuPs, there it issss"!
Think about it!
So-called Christian conservatives are bound for hell. Now is the time to repent.
Bishop Ward
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
If Republican so-called Christian TV ministers are going to heaven, then send me to Hell.
Rich Perry has brought out the worst hate group in this country from the past to the future. The so-called Republicans Christians. They have tormented poor poor people forever. They has never done any thing to bring races together in any serious way where other races can share in their glory. They pretend like they are partial with other races but that's as far as they go. Pretending!
The Bible teaches love of all men. A coming together under one religion of love call Christianity. They are not there yet.
TV big time ministers use there trickery and smooth talking words to play on the weak. Deep down they care about nothing but the money. They love the money and will throw the poor under the bus to keep the rich tiding and donating to their bank account.
They care about the poor about as much as letting one come into their home to use the bathroom. It will never happen.
They backed Rick Perry because they know he will put more money in their pockets buy limiting the amount of money coming out of their pockets to help the poor. Their congregations are wealthy and rich people.
Let me end by saying this.
If Republican so-called Christians and TV ministers and their members feel that God is on their side and they are going to heaven then send me to HELL!
It is one thing to live on earth in hell, but to think that God is a member of the Tea Party is more than a sane mind can take. For blacks, Spanish and other dark races liberal Christians heaven will be an eternal HELL!
We can't get along with them down here. Can you imagine an eternity with this hateful group in heaven. They hate us and don't want to mix with us. This same mind will follow them to heaven or "I mean Hell".
A true heaven with a God who loves all his creation could never allow hate to enter heaven. Therefore these TV Republican ministers are stuck up money stealing liars. Satan in wolf clothing. And I mean every one of them.
I pray to God to separate the wheat (real Christian) from the chaff (so-called Republican Christians) so the rest of us can live in eternal peace.
Think about it.
So-called Republican Christians need to repent!
Bishop Ward
The Bible teaches love of all men. A coming together under one religion of love call Christianity. They are not there yet.
TV big time ministers use there trickery and smooth talking words to play on the weak. Deep down they care about nothing but the money. They love the money and will throw the poor under the bus to keep the rich tiding and donating to their bank account.
They care about the poor about as much as letting one come into their home to use the bathroom. It will never happen.
They backed Rick Perry because they know he will put more money in their pockets buy limiting the amount of money coming out of their pockets to help the poor. Their congregations are wealthy and rich people.
Let me end by saying this.
If Republican so-called Christians and TV ministers and their members feel that God is on their side and they are going to heaven then send me to HELL!
It is one thing to live on earth in hell, but to think that God is a member of the Tea Party is more than a sane mind can take. For blacks, Spanish and other dark races liberal Christians heaven will be an eternal HELL!
We can't get along with them down here. Can you imagine an eternity with this hateful group in heaven. They hate us and don't want to mix with us. This same mind will follow them to heaven or "I mean Hell".
A true heaven with a God who loves all his creation could never allow hate to enter heaven. Therefore these TV Republican ministers are stuck up money stealing liars. Satan in wolf clothing. And I mean every one of them.
I pray to God to separate the wheat (real Christian) from the chaff (so-called Republican Christians) so the rest of us can live in eternal peace.
Think about it.
So-called Republican Christians need to repent!
Bishop Ward
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Weekend Finisher!
High unemployment is caused by so-called rich Christian Conservatives and Temp. agencies.
You no, poor people are said not to be very smart. That' why only so called college graduates seek high level government jobs in politics. To them, poor people should do nothing but listen, do what their told, keep their mouth shut, go home, vote and wait until they decide to call or need us again.
Well, let me tell you. Good sense does not come with an education, it comes through love and caring. From these a thought pattern is created like thinking on things, being observance to that which affects you and others, having the will to learn more and share what you learned, common sense and being led by a good righteous spirit that incase all of these called Jesus.
What I'm saying is that you don't have to be a politicians to see what's bringing our country down or keeping unemployment high. Most poor people can see it and I wonder why educated politicians can't see it or refuse to see it or see it but too afraid to act because of it.
Good sense and observance from the poor can clearly see that the government is being taking for a ride or should I say a fool by businesses.
We know that the majority of businesses are headed by so-called rich Christian conservatives. We also know that our country's problems are these businesses refusing to hire. Why? It's because they make millions by not hiring. This keeps Obama on the down low and give Republicans the power to complain about high employment. It is a well played out plan by the Republican Party. I can see this so why can't Democratic politicians of power.
Again, the businesses will take what they are given by the government and use it for their on greedy needs but still will not hire because there is nothing in place to make them hire. Greedy Conservative so-called Christian businesses need to keep unemployment high for election sakes.
But wait! There is some thing that can be done. As I have always said for months, until Temporary work agencies are investigated and closed down the government will never solve high unemployment no matter what incentives they give to businesses. There is too much money to be made between partnership of businesses and temporary work agencies.
When Temporary work agencies are controlling about 70% of hiring in this country - some body tell me how unemployment will be brought under control when there is a continued list of revolving door employees right back to the unemployment office over and over again? Though they are providing jobs they are blocking more stable jobs that will help our economy.
When these agencies are closed down or limited in scope by laws. Businesses will once again be forced to hire permanant people for production sakes.
Businesses should not be rewarded to not hire permanent employees. But this is big business and pockets are being filled by rich conservative so-called- Christians off the backs of poor people.
Free enterprises should not exist when it is against the country's well fare. That's like inside terrorists.
I know I reach powerful politicians and DNC. I wonder which will have the bouncing balls to step forward and make the news. I've given you the seed, now go and plant it. You may be surprised at what grows.
Think about it!
Bishop Ward
High unemployment is caused by so-called rich Christian Conservatives and Temp. agencies.
You no, poor people are said not to be very smart. That' why only so called college graduates seek high level government jobs in politics. To them, poor people should do nothing but listen, do what their told, keep their mouth shut, go home, vote and wait until they decide to call or need us again.
Well, let me tell you. Good sense does not come with an education, it comes through love and caring. From these a thought pattern is created like thinking on things, being observance to that which affects you and others, having the will to learn more and share what you learned, common sense and being led by a good righteous spirit that incase all of these called Jesus.
What I'm saying is that you don't have to be a politicians to see what's bringing our country down or keeping unemployment high. Most poor people can see it and I wonder why educated politicians can't see it or refuse to see it or see it but too afraid to act because of it.
Good sense and observance from the poor can clearly see that the government is being taking for a ride or should I say a fool by businesses.
We know that the majority of businesses are headed by so-called rich Christian conservatives. We also know that our country's problems are these businesses refusing to hire. Why? It's because they make millions by not hiring. This keeps Obama on the down low and give Republicans the power to complain about high employment. It is a well played out plan by the Republican Party. I can see this so why can't Democratic politicians of power.
Again, the businesses will take what they are given by the government and use it for their on greedy needs but still will not hire because there is nothing in place to make them hire. Greedy Conservative so-called Christian businesses need to keep unemployment high for election sakes.
But wait! There is some thing that can be done. As I have always said for months, until Temporary work agencies are investigated and closed down the government will never solve high unemployment no matter what incentives they give to businesses. There is too much money to be made between partnership of businesses and temporary work agencies.
When Temporary work agencies are controlling about 70% of hiring in this country - some body tell me how unemployment will be brought under control when there is a continued list of revolving door employees right back to the unemployment office over and over again? Though they are providing jobs they are blocking more stable jobs that will help our economy.
When these agencies are closed down or limited in scope by laws. Businesses will once again be forced to hire permanant people for production sakes.
Businesses should not be rewarded to not hire permanent employees. But this is big business and pockets are being filled by rich conservative so-called- Christians off the backs of poor people.
Free enterprises should not exist when it is against the country's well fare. That's like inside terrorists.
I know I reach powerful politicians and DNC. I wonder which will have the bouncing balls to step forward and make the news. I've given you the seed, now go and plant it. You may be surprised at what grows.
Think about it!
Bishop Ward
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Read more at www.ppartymovement.com
Is the presidential survey an accurate one or are Republicans being the ones surveyed?
Obama rating has dropped to 43%. Lowest ever. News media's are having a field day with it. But is there more to their surveys than meet the eye? It certainly is.
We Democrats know for a fact that Republicans stay on the streets and at meetings much more than Democrats. Liberals are more laid back and often unseen until it's time to really put out. What we see in these surveys are conservatives posing as liberals when surveyed. That's the game they play.
We know that Republicans are nothing but liars and crooks and would do any thing to make Obama and our party look bad. I believe most of those surveyed are indeed Republicans.
Why doesn't these measuring groups never survey in poor areas? Why always the well off? They only care about their money, not what the poor want or need. The same is true for every one that speaks on news media's are wealthy or rich people.
I'm still stuck as to how one can come to an accurate job approval survey without some one having a legal party identification card to specify whether they are accurately getting the opinions of balanced parties rather than taking a survey of 70% Republicans and 15% Democrats. Blind studies does not make the opinions of one party accurate. It is just a blind study. If you ask most Democrats who they will vote for they will tell you Obama.
Most Democrats will vote for Obama and believe in the Democratic Party just as hard as the Republican does. One thing we must keep in mind is that all presidential races is about choices. Do we choose heaven or hell?
Compared to what the Republican have in store for us we better choose heaven or should I say Obama. Hell comes in "RED".
Think about it.
Conservative so-called Christian need to be saved.
Bishop Ward
Is the presidential survey an accurate one or are Republicans being the ones surveyed?
Obama rating has dropped to 43%. Lowest ever. News media's are having a field day with it. But is there more to their surveys than meet the eye? It certainly is.
We Democrats know for a fact that Republicans stay on the streets and at meetings much more than Democrats. Liberals are more laid back and often unseen until it's time to really put out. What we see in these surveys are conservatives posing as liberals when surveyed. That's the game they play.
We know that Republicans are nothing but liars and crooks and would do any thing to make Obama and our party look bad. I believe most of those surveyed are indeed Republicans.
Why doesn't these measuring groups never survey in poor areas? Why always the well off? They only care about their money, not what the poor want or need. The same is true for every one that speaks on news media's are wealthy or rich people.
I'm still stuck as to how one can come to an accurate job approval survey without some one having a legal party identification card to specify whether they are accurately getting the opinions of balanced parties rather than taking a survey of 70% Republicans and 15% Democrats. Blind studies does not make the opinions of one party accurate. It is just a blind study. If you ask most Democrats who they will vote for they will tell you Obama.
Most Democrats will vote for Obama and believe in the Democratic Party just as hard as the Republican does. One thing we must keep in mind is that all presidential races is about choices. Do we choose heaven or hell?
Compared to what the Republican have in store for us we better choose heaven or should I say Obama. Hell comes in "RED".
Think about it.
Conservative so-called Christian need to be saved.
Bishop Ward
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Read more top stories at www.ppartymovement.com
CNN Tea Party results! Obama presidency is safe, sound and secured.
Last night Sept.12, the last thing I wanted to watch on TV was misfit and cronies of the Tea Party having a forum with CNN's Wolf Blitzer as host. As spoke person for the real poor people, that is, those who can't speak for themselves or couldn't stomach to watch, you didn't miss a thang. The cronies proved to be nut jobs.
First of all, I'm not going to say who was a clear cut winner because in a nut shell all wanted the same thing but a different way of getting there and that's on the backs of poor people like you and me. Nothing was mention about raising taxes on the rich. All want to do a number on Social Security, Medicare and every thing that will cause poor people to bear the blunt of excessive cuts.
From their talks the poor can, if one them are elected president, expect to return to the days of confederate rule, union busting, wages dropping, less medical help, high sale prices, starvation and death.
Most did nothing but lie about what they did as far as putting people back to work in their state. We know, as poor people, that the majority of great jobs goes to the upper middle class. The poor always end up in the very low paying jobs. And in all their states we are and still is the sufferers.
For example, low wages mean if Medicare is reformed as they want it, poor people will be denied medical help at doctor offices and emergency rooms. In fact, last night, the mostly all white heavy weight so-called Christian losers applauded to letting people die who chose not to buy health Insurance by refusing care. Yet, they felt that he should have the choice to buy insurance or not. I wonder who they got in mind of dying. It must be the most extreme poor that can't afford health insurance on their own. The only choice poor people have is to depend on the goverment to look out for them. Factual!
Poor people better get together and realize that all you got and want could easily slip out of your wish book. Tea Party terrorist has some thing waiting on you that is being with held from open forums. It is that which is behind the scenes that is frightening. They say one thing but plan to do some thing else if elected president.
Let me say that Rick Perry, who I believe will be their nominee, has been exposed. I see no threat to Obama. He's just the best they got. And he stinks of corruption and filthy richness with a turned up nose toward the poor. Obama presidency is safe, sound and secured.
Oh, before I go let me mention that the Black Lloyd Marcus, the most despised and stupid black man in America was sitting back skinning and grinning with a black cowboy hat on. Herman Cain was there. Or was he just there. He was just a color spot fitted in the GOP (grand old party) forum to make the color scheme look good. How can one be so stupid.
Any way, you didn't miss a thing.
Think about it!
So-called Conservative Christians need to be saved.
Bishop Ward
CNN Tea Party results! Obama presidency is safe, sound and secured.
CNN Tea Party results! Obama presidency is safe, sound and secured.
Last night Sept.12, the last thing I wanted to watch on TV was misfit and cronies of the Tea Party having a forum with CNN's Wolf Blitzer as host. As spoke person for the real poor people, that is, those who can't speak for themselves or couldn't stomach to watch, you didn't miss a thang. The cronies proved to be nut jobs.
First of all, I'm not going to say who was a clear cut winner because in a nut shell all wanted the same thing but a different way of getting there and that's on the backs of poor people like you and me. Nothing was mention about raising taxes on the rich. All want to do a number on Social Security, Medicare and every thing that will cause poor people to bear the blunt of excessive cuts.
From their talks the poor can, if one them are elected president, expect to return to the days of confederate rule, union busting, wages dropping, less medical help, high sale prices, starvation and death.
Most did nothing but lie about what they did as far as putting people back to work in their state. We know, as poor people, that the majority of great jobs goes to the upper middle class. The poor always end up in the very low paying jobs. And in all their states we are and still is the sufferers.
For example, low wages mean if Medicare is reformed as they want it, poor people will be denied medical help at doctor offices and emergency rooms. In fact, last night, the mostly all white heavy weight so-called Christian losers applauded to letting people die who chose not to buy health Insurance by refusing care. Yet, they felt that he should have the choice to buy insurance or not. I wonder who they got in mind of dying. It must be the most extreme poor that can't afford health insurance on their own. The only choice poor people have is to depend on the goverment to look out for them. Factual!
Poor people better get together and realize that all you got and want could easily slip out of your wish book. Tea Party terrorist has some thing waiting on you that is being with held from open forums. It is that which is behind the scenes that is frightening. They say one thing but plan to do some thing else if elected president.
Let me say that Rick Perry, who I believe will be their nominee, has been exposed. I see no threat to Obama. He's just the best they got. And he stinks of corruption and filthy richness with a turned up nose toward the poor. Obama presidency is safe, sound and secured.
Oh, before I go let me mention that the Black Lloyd Marcus, the most despised and stupid black man in America was sitting back skinning and grinning with a black cowboy hat on. Herman Cain was there. Or was he just there. He was just a color spot fitted in the GOP (grand old party) forum to make the color scheme look good. How can one be so stupid.
Any way, you didn't miss a thing.
Think about it!
So-called Conservative Christians need to be saved.
Bishop Ward
CNN Tea Party results! Obama presidency is safe, sound and secured.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Read more at: www.ppartymovement.com
2012 future reading
Bilderburg secret society, Rick Perry and the Tea Party. A bad combination for the world and for American poor people.
Rick Perry is backed by one of the most secretive organization in the world believed by many to be controlling events in all stages of society around the world.
The Bilderberg Group, Bilderberg conference, or Bilderberg Club is an annual, unofficial, invitation-only conference of approximately 120 to 140 guests from North America and Western Europe.
Their unofficial headquarters is the University of Leiden in the Netherlands. Members are only people of influence. About one-third are from government and politics, and two-thirds from finance, industry, labour, education and communications. Meetings are closed to the public and often feature future political leaders shortly before they become household names.
According to the 'American Friends of Bilderberg', the 2008 agenda dealt "mainly with a nuclear free world, cyber terrorism, Africa, Russia, finance, protectionism, US-EU relations, Afghanistan and Pakistan, Islam and Iran". When Bilderberg participants reach a form of consensus about what is to be done, they have at their disposal powerful transnational and national instruments for bringing about what it is they want to come to pass.
Does this include keeping unemployment high? It certainly does. Even gas prices, wars, finances. You name it and a few powerful figures can make it happen. Even a Tsunami or wiping out populations for planet control. Many theorists believe this group is behind the financial breakdown and economic conditions right here in our country. Deliberately staged.
When men of riches and power come together under secrecy and does not include not one poor person, then the poor working people are their target. That's a fact. After all, who made them rich?
To stay rich they have to continue from time to time cause a so-called Tsunami or catastrophic event within society. One so strong it will sweep across the world. Such as the one we are in now.
They believe they know what's best for the rest of us. This has raised questions such as where did Aid's really come from? How can something so-called start with two gay men in America spread around the world so rapidly? Sound like population control starting with the poor. Why is there no report, I no of, of rich and powerful people ever having this disease? Just saying.
The Bilderberg Group is backing Rick Perry and banking he wins the White House because they have plans for poor people like doing and carrying out exactly what the Tea Party wants. Already Rick Perry is against Social Security and healthcare as we know it. Though his healthcare program is almost the same as Obama's, to keep face with the Bilderburg's and Tea Party he will agree to do what ever they want to get himself elected to president. Even promise to repeal Healthcare. Then all hell break loose against poor people. The "Great Suffering" begin.
Other Republican candidates should just quit now. As of now Rick Perry is backed by most so-called Christian conservative groups and the powerful Bilderburg group. Rick Perry will be their nominee baring some great mess up. Yet, he still will not win.
Rick Perry and these terriorist groups should not be elected to control and run America and the world on the burdens of poor people.
The world keep getting worse and worse. Think about it.
Bishop Ward
Bilderburg secret society, Rick Perry and the Tea Party. A bad combination for the world and for American poor people.
2012 future reading
Bilderburg secret society, Rick Perry and the Tea Party. A bad combination for the world and for American poor people.
Rick Perry is backed by one of the most secretive organization in the world believed by many to be controlling events in all stages of society around the world.
The Bilderberg Group, Bilderberg conference, or Bilderberg Club is an annual, unofficial, invitation-only conference of approximately 120 to 140 guests from North America and Western Europe.
Their unofficial headquarters is the University of Leiden in the Netherlands. Members are only people of influence. About one-third are from government and politics, and two-thirds from finance, industry, labour, education and communications. Meetings are closed to the public and often feature future political leaders shortly before they become household names.
According to the 'American Friends of Bilderberg', the 2008 agenda dealt "mainly with a nuclear free world, cyber terrorism, Africa, Russia, finance, protectionism, US-EU relations, Afghanistan and Pakistan, Islam and Iran". When Bilderberg participants reach a form of consensus about what is to be done, they have at their disposal powerful transnational and national instruments for bringing about what it is they want to come to pass.
Does this include keeping unemployment high? It certainly does. Even gas prices, wars, finances. You name it and a few powerful figures can make it happen. Even a Tsunami or wiping out populations for planet control. Many theorists believe this group is behind the financial breakdown and economic conditions right here in our country. Deliberately staged.
When men of riches and power come together under secrecy and does not include not one poor person, then the poor working people are their target. That's a fact. After all, who made them rich?
To stay rich they have to continue from time to time cause a so-called Tsunami or catastrophic event within society. One so strong it will sweep across the world. Such as the one we are in now.
They believe they know what's best for the rest of us. This has raised questions such as where did Aid's really come from? How can something so-called start with two gay men in America spread around the world so rapidly? Sound like population control starting with the poor. Why is there no report, I no of, of rich and powerful people ever having this disease? Just saying.
The Bilderberg Group is backing Rick Perry and banking he wins the White House because they have plans for poor people like doing and carrying out exactly what the Tea Party wants. Already Rick Perry is against Social Security and healthcare as we know it. Though his healthcare program is almost the same as Obama's, to keep face with the Bilderburg's and Tea Party he will agree to do what ever they want to get himself elected to president. Even promise to repeal Healthcare. Then all hell break loose against poor people. The "Great Suffering" begin.
Other Republican candidates should just quit now. As of now Rick Perry is backed by most so-called Christian conservative groups and the powerful Bilderburg group. Rick Perry will be their nominee baring some great mess up. Yet, he still will not win.
Rick Perry and these terriorist groups should not be elected to control and run America and the world on the burdens of poor people.
The world keep getting worse and worse. Think about it.
Bishop Ward
Bilderburg secret society, Rick Perry and the Tea Party. A bad combination for the world and for American poor people.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Read more at: www.ppartymovement.com
What does theTea Party so-called Christians have in store for America if they win the White House.
What Democratic liberal Christians have to fear from Republican so-called Christians running the government.
Never before has we, the American people, faced such a force as that forming before us, as that of the Tea Party, since from the days of ancient when rich and powerful rulers used wizards and mystical sootsayers, charms and trickery of dreams to control the lives of poor peasants.
They further enriched their store houses with burdensome taxes on the poor while the rich paid nothing. When Aristocrats and nobility was able to convince really ignorant peasants that it was Robin Hood making their life bad and not the loving caring rich. (..then he spitted towards the ground....)
Such is the thinking of the Tea Party and their so-called Christian followers. A powerful asphalt rolling political cult backed by aristocrats and powerful slick wizards known as the so-called Christian Conservative smoothing machine rolling over poor peasants for the sake of ruling the American government and then slowly the world.
Like the crusaders, who thought they to were doing the will of God by murdering Jews failed, the Tea Party so-called Christian Conservatives are also fooled and charm by Satan into thinking they can use the highest office of the government to misused the constitution and twist the words of the Bible in order to usher in the kingdom of God.
They are fools and unlearned false prophets and teachers overseeing large church organizations and other large media outlets to fool the very elect, if that was possible. Blind leading the blind pretending they are perfect for changing the world and governments. They are Lazarus' preparing to ditch out crumbs.
The Tea Party plans are to control every aspect of the government with no Democrats at all in office. They will then have laws changed to give them power to do what ever is necessary for the betterment of the country and God by sticking it to the poor.
Doing away with the Democratic Party leave no one to challenge them. They can change and make new laws as they see fit. Using fear to control the masses they make Islamic terrorist look like toddlers.
So powerful, the Tea Party so-called Christians began to rewrite certain scriptures to indicate to their followers that the return of Christ will not take place in Jerusalem but the United States. They even convince other nation's so-called Tea Party Christian conservatives to join them.
Their agenda will include killing homosexuals instead of trying to convert them. Lock up, beat, and kill immigrants and even attempt to bring back slavery to all minorities because their hate will be fueled by fire and unchallenged.
They will want only one religion. Christianity! and will kill to make it so by targeting Islam and it's people. Labeling them as a threat and began another crusade slaying them in the name of their god. Terrorist nations will be secretly bombed.
The Democratic Liberal Christian and so-call Christians will not be spared from their hate. Like the crusaders killing the Jews, the so-called Christian Conservative Tea Partiers will demand Christian Liberals to convert or die. There can only be one type of religion, and that's conservative religion. (.....Think about. We are already divided into liberal religion vs conservative religion....)
However, they will run into problems when faced with the Catholic Church who wanted this position for ever for themselves. The conservative conquest will be foiled, but it will not stop them from doing away with the Catholic Church here in America claiming they are anti-Christ, a false religion and must be done away with.
Conservatives will began to kill other conservative of the Catholic Church.
Jews will realize they have no protector in America because chaos has broken out as we find killing, looting, robbing and burning braking out all over this country. Because of the Tea Party the Jews find themselves surrounded again by Muslims nations as they use American foolishness as cover to attack them. They will have to battle harder than ever. They must hold on until the west come to their senses.
Don't believe the hype that they don't have a leader. Some body have to be in charge to set the agenda, organize and plan. Everything has a beginning and some body had to start the Tea Party. That's your leader. No matter how many different factions there are all have a leader. And all are backed by rich men pulling string from behind the scenes. Secret powerful backers who set the stage of the world as they want it.
This is a nice story I'm telling where I'm going out on a limb, may be painting a picture of untruth for the sake of truth. But is this so impossible. No! Is this just writing from my pen. No!. Do the Tea Party and so-called Christian Conservatives really want to control and restore the kingdom of God themselves. Yes! This is true.
What I visioned is in the works if the Tea Party get grip on America as they want.
Click below and have a scary chilling affect as more real truth is unveil before your sight. Enjoy and read other places where Satan is leading the Conservative Party.
So-called Christian Conservatives need to be saved. Repent and get true knowledge.
Think about it!
Bishop Ward
What does the Tea Party so-called Christians have in store for America if they win the White House.
What does theTea Party so-called Christians have in store for America if they win the White House.
What Democratic liberal Christians have to fear from Republican so-called Christians running the government.
Never before has we, the American people, faced such a force as that forming before us, as that of the Tea Party, since from the days of ancient when rich and powerful rulers used wizards and mystical sootsayers, charms and trickery of dreams to control the lives of poor peasants.
They further enriched their store houses with burdensome taxes on the poor while the rich paid nothing. When Aristocrats and nobility was able to convince really ignorant peasants that it was Robin Hood making their life bad and not the loving caring rich. (..then he spitted towards the ground....)
Such is the thinking of the Tea Party and their so-called Christian followers. A powerful asphalt rolling political cult backed by aristocrats and powerful slick wizards known as the so-called Christian Conservative smoothing machine rolling over poor peasants for the sake of ruling the American government and then slowly the world.
Like the crusaders, who thought they to were doing the will of God by murdering Jews failed, the Tea Party so-called Christian Conservatives are also fooled and charm by Satan into thinking they can use the highest office of the government to misused the constitution and twist the words of the Bible in order to usher in the kingdom of God.
They are fools and unlearned false prophets and teachers overseeing large church organizations and other large media outlets to fool the very elect, if that was possible. Blind leading the blind pretending they are perfect for changing the world and governments. They are Lazarus' preparing to ditch out crumbs.
The Tea Party plans are to control every aspect of the government with no Democrats at all in office. They will then have laws changed to give them power to do what ever is necessary for the betterment of the country and God by sticking it to the poor.
Doing away with the Democratic Party leave no one to challenge them. They can change and make new laws as they see fit. Using fear to control the masses they make Islamic terrorist look like toddlers.
So powerful, the Tea Party so-called Christians began to rewrite certain scriptures to indicate to their followers that the return of Christ will not take place in Jerusalem but the United States. They even convince other nation's so-called Tea Party Christian conservatives to join them.
Their agenda will include killing homosexuals instead of trying to convert them. Lock up, beat, and kill immigrants and even attempt to bring back slavery to all minorities because their hate will be fueled by fire and unchallenged.
They will want only one religion. Christianity! and will kill to make it so by targeting Islam and it's people. Labeling them as a threat and began another crusade slaying them in the name of their god. Terrorist nations will be secretly bombed.
The Democratic Liberal Christian and so-call Christians will not be spared from their hate. Like the crusaders killing the Jews, the so-called Christian Conservative Tea Partiers will demand Christian Liberals to convert or die. There can only be one type of religion, and that's conservative religion. (.....Think about. We are already divided into liberal religion vs conservative religion....)
However, they will run into problems when faced with the Catholic Church who wanted this position for ever for themselves. The conservative conquest will be foiled, but it will not stop them from doing away with the Catholic Church here in America claiming they are anti-Christ, a false religion and must be done away with.
Conservatives will began to kill other conservative of the Catholic Church.
Jews will realize they have no protector in America because chaos has broken out as we find killing, looting, robbing and burning braking out all over this country. Because of the Tea Party the Jews find themselves surrounded again by Muslims nations as they use American foolishness as cover to attack them. They will have to battle harder than ever. They must hold on until the west come to their senses.
Don't believe the hype that they don't have a leader. Some body have to be in charge to set the agenda, organize and plan. Everything has a beginning and some body had to start the Tea Party. That's your leader. No matter how many different factions there are all have a leader. And all are backed by rich men pulling string from behind the scenes. Secret powerful backers who set the stage of the world as they want it.
This is a nice story I'm telling where I'm going out on a limb, may be painting a picture of untruth for the sake of truth. But is this so impossible. No! Is this just writing from my pen. No!. Do the Tea Party and so-called Christian Conservatives really want to control and restore the kingdom of God themselves. Yes! This is true.
What I visioned is in the works if the Tea Party get grip on America as they want.
Click below and have a scary chilling affect as more real truth is unveil before your sight. Enjoy and read other places where Satan is leading the Conservative Party.
So-called Christian Conservatives need to be saved. Repent and get true knowledge.
Think about it!
Bishop Ward
What does the Tea Party so-called Christians have in store for America if they win the White House.
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