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Are the Republican congress, especially John Boehner, smoking silly season dope behind the scenes? Can educated folks of this kind actually be dumber than a 5th grader. They sure can. By Bishop Ward
I can only call them the "They"! They must be on something. How else can ones thinking be so far out of touch with real American poor people concens.
The Republican congress and all of these misguided TV ads and upper class Republicans actually thinks they have helped the country recover from the past disaster of economic breakdowns that lead a recession.
They are running around, after nearly bringing this country to it's knees, with the nerves to tell the poor suffering people of this country that Obama is bad because he pushed up the debt to keep poor people in food, homes, unemployment, health insurance, banks from closing, car dealerships from bankruptcy, stimulus money to the public and corporations.
They are really saying that he should have done like them and did nothing. Let the country suffer but please don't ask our precious rich to help, "say the Republicans".
Now they sound like they know what's best. They want to turn the country back to recession status. In fact they promise to do so. Their TV ads are down right comical. They are delusional.
I say again. Is there some one out there that's really buying their "father of the calf smelly stuff". Yes their is. The entire Republican Party and self freedom riders of the Tea Party who wants control of the country to brings back guns and the old west.
Silly season dope is not for children and Democrats. You see what it does to the mind of Republicans. Please don't smoke, just vote! Vote Obama 2012.
This has been a public announcement.
God bless!
Are the Republican congress, especially John Boehner, smoking silly season dope?
Democratic Poor People
The Poor Party Movement (PPM) supports the Democratic Party and the government to look out for our interest. We are the poor from every class of people who the rich speaks for. But now we speak for our selves instead of someone else pretending they know what's right for us or how we feel.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
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Republican congress vow they would not raise taxes on rich people just the poor. By Bishop Ward
Today Obama gave a great speech on the state of the economy, at a news conference, and how some of the problem we're having would be over if the Republicans in congress would stay on the job and get bills sent to him to sign that could put people to work now. But they want.
It is a shame for the country and especially poor people if another Republican get in Office of the president. As we see, the Republicans are holding the country hostage by not coming together on the debt ceiling because they don't want to cut taxes for the rich in this country. These are their buddies.
Rand Paul of Kentucky, states he's for not taxing big rich companies because they need to the money to keep drilling. Yea! drilling holes in poor people pockets not to mention the country.
These companies are making billions in profit. Do any body still knows what profit is. It's party money! It's million of dollars bonuses! It's million dollar homes.
Rand Paul is rich and his idea and the Republicans idea of balancing the budget is off the backs of poor people.
It want happen, but for silly thinking sakes, I'll pretend a Republican has won in 2012. If that happens most poor people can be expected to be in the unemployment lines, lose their homes and jobs, and expect to see their wages drop along with high insurance with less benefits to high gas prices as under George Bush to less medical care to more union busting on large scales to the mighty rich getting even richer while laughing all the way to their private jets and bank accounts.
I'm not prenting any more. This election is serious. Vote "Obama 2012"!
Republican congress vow they would not raise taxes on rich people just the poor.
Republican congress vow they would not raise taxes on rich people just the poor. By Bishop Ward
Today Obama gave a great speech on the state of the economy, at a news conference, and how some of the problem we're having would be over if the Republicans in congress would stay on the job and get bills sent to him to sign that could put people to work now. But they want.
It is a shame for the country and especially poor people if another Republican get in Office of the president. As we see, the Republicans are holding the country hostage by not coming together on the debt ceiling because they don't want to cut taxes for the rich in this country. These are their buddies.
Rand Paul of Kentucky, states he's for not taxing big rich companies because they need to the money to keep drilling. Yea! drilling holes in poor people pockets not to mention the country.
These companies are making billions in profit. Do any body still knows what profit is. It's party money! It's million of dollars bonuses! It's million dollar homes.
Rand Paul is rich and his idea and the Republicans idea of balancing the budget is off the backs of poor people.
It want happen, but for silly thinking sakes, I'll pretend a Republican has won in 2012. If that happens most poor people can be expected to be in the unemployment lines, lose their homes and jobs, and expect to see their wages drop along with high insurance with less benefits to high gas prices as under George Bush to less medical care to more union busting on large scales to the mighty rich getting even richer while laughing all the way to their private jets and bank accounts.
I'm not prenting any more. This election is serious. Vote "Obama 2012"!
Republican congress vow they would not raise taxes on rich people just the poor.
Monday, June 27, 2011
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The Right To Work law is a Tea Party "no brainier" that they think is a "brainier". Learn the truth about unions. By Bishop Ward
Once again they find insane things to bring to light that most Republicans get all upset about without giving their ramping any thought as to how much different will a "Right To Work law" affect voters in a presidential election. The answer to that is, "It want.
Voters, whether in a union or not, will vote their chose. The Tea Party and Republicans want to bust the union because unions tend to favor the Democratic Party that always favor poor people. Since these smart poor people vote Democratic most of the time, it scares the Tea Party and their cronies in office and those wanting to get in office to skin the poor.
North Carolina is a right to work state. Where I worked, Navy Aviation Depot, Cherry Point, NC, as a civil servant and Union Representative where the Union represented all people, paying and non paying. The Union worked just as hard for the non payer as did for the payer.
Here's how the union worked. Most employees do not no that their employers have rules and regulations protecting them from you and very limited rights for the employee except the right to be fired.
However, the National labor Relation Act, created in 1935 cover labor right for employees and employers. It guarantee workers the rights to organize a union and to bargain collectively with their employers.
The union then can argue your complaints of unfair promotions, pay, work habits, safety, transfers, absentee, sick leave, vacations, firing and hiring, charges, finds and a whole lot more.
Employees do not know about these rules and regulation and many, if they did, do not understand them nor the rules and regulation of their employers. Reason being, the employees can't question or fight them and win because "you can't fight what you don't know about".
Unions are like lawyers. They spend time studying Labor laws as well as businesses rules and regulations to best adapt them to benefit the employer and the employee.
Businesses have lawyers working for them against employees. When an employee goes at it along he comes up against these lawyers. The lawyers tell you they are there for you as well as the employer. This is not true. A lawyer works for who ever is paying the bill. And employees are not paying their salaries. Don't be fooled. They are there for one reason and one reason only! The employer! You can't win!
Many employees thinks Human Relation, which is there place squarely in the midst of every moderate size business, is also there for them. Not so! They will handle small things that will work it's way out any way, but larger stuff that comes up against the business and you guessed it. You won't win no matter how much evidence you have. You are out the door or out of luck. They are for management and management only no matter what they tell you. You, the employee does not pay their salary. Think about it.
Unions insure that National Labor Relation laws and collective barganing right are abibed by, thus leading towards a smooth working and profitable business between employer and employee.
When an employee has a complaint with their employer, like court, you do not go at it along. You don't go to court with out an attorney. Such is the case with unions. They are a type of, you might say, attorneys.
The employee asked the employer for union representation whom they must comply. The representative hear the employee complaint, determine if it is valid, then present it or not, to the employer for a meeting on the issues. The employee has the right to be represented by a union or not.
If the complaint is valid enough the union and employer set a time when the case will be heard. The union is their at the meeting to hear both sides and come up with an agreeable solution for both parties. A Union Representative is is also necessary for at every meeting hear the conversation as well as decisions of both parties and take notes of what has been said.
If no decision is met, the union has the right, if the employee approve it, take the matter to the next higher level in management until final arbitration where the complaint comes up before a practicing and independ judge or arbitrator where all parties so to speak, goes to a non-public session or court, so to speak, where all parties are sworn in and evidence are presented by both the Union and, you guessed it, that management lawyer that said he was working for you.
Your only chance now is a Good Union Arbitration Representative who really knows the law. The Union now pulls out their top gun Representative to go against management's lawyer. The rest is history.
When you retain the help of an attorney you pay and pay big for their knowledge and help. As you have seen from the description above why wouldn't you want to pay for the same representation. It is not fair to paying members when sorry no good non-paying workers take advantage of paying union members.
So much is made of "The Right To Work Law". I say get it. It wont change a thing. Join a union or not and keep on working. But remember, a lawyer is as good as the amount of money he's charging. Nothing from nothing leaves nothing!
About the issue of what we do with that money collected from willing members. That's our business.
Tea Party find another issue. You must really be scared of losing in 2012.
Think about it and Pass this on!
God bless!
The Right To Work law is a Tea Party "no brainier"
The Right To Work law is a Tea Party "no brainier" that they think is a "brainier". Learn the truth about unions. By Bishop Ward
Once again they find insane things to bring to light that most Republicans get all upset about without giving their ramping any thought as to how much different will a "Right To Work law" affect voters in a presidential election. The answer to that is, "It want.
Voters, whether in a union or not, will vote their chose. The Tea Party and Republicans want to bust the union because unions tend to favor the Democratic Party that always favor poor people. Since these smart poor people vote Democratic most of the time, it scares the Tea Party and their cronies in office and those wanting to get in office to skin the poor.
North Carolina is a right to work state. Where I worked, Navy Aviation Depot, Cherry Point, NC, as a civil servant and Union Representative where the Union represented all people, paying and non paying. The Union worked just as hard for the non payer as did for the payer.
Here's how the union worked. Most employees do not no that their employers have rules and regulations protecting them from you and very limited rights for the employee except the right to be fired.
However, the National labor Relation Act, created in 1935 cover labor right for employees and employers. It guarantee workers the rights to organize a union and to bargain collectively with their employers.
The union then can argue your complaints of unfair promotions, pay, work habits, safety, transfers, absentee, sick leave, vacations, firing and hiring, charges, finds and a whole lot more.
Employees do not know about these rules and regulation and many, if they did, do not understand them nor the rules and regulation of their employers. Reason being, the employees can't question or fight them and win because "you can't fight what you don't know about".
Unions are like lawyers. They spend time studying Labor laws as well as businesses rules and regulations to best adapt them to benefit the employer and the employee.
Businesses have lawyers working for them against employees. When an employee goes at it along he comes up against these lawyers. The lawyers tell you they are there for you as well as the employer. This is not true. A lawyer works for who ever is paying the bill. And employees are not paying their salaries. Don't be fooled. They are there for one reason and one reason only! The employer! You can't win!
Many employees thinks Human Relation, which is there place squarely in the midst of every moderate size business, is also there for them. Not so! They will handle small things that will work it's way out any way, but larger stuff that comes up against the business and you guessed it. You won't win no matter how much evidence you have. You are out the door or out of luck. They are for management and management only no matter what they tell you. You, the employee does not pay their salary. Think about it.
Unions insure that National Labor Relation laws and collective barganing right are abibed by, thus leading towards a smooth working and profitable business between employer and employee.
When an employee has a complaint with their employer, like court, you do not go at it along. You don't go to court with out an attorney. Such is the case with unions. They are a type of, you might say, attorneys.
The employee asked the employer for union representation whom they must comply. The representative hear the employee complaint, determine if it is valid, then present it or not, to the employer for a meeting on the issues. The employee has the right to be represented by a union or not.
If the complaint is valid enough the union and employer set a time when the case will be heard. The union is their at the meeting to hear both sides and come up with an agreeable solution for both parties. A Union Representative is is also necessary for at every meeting hear the conversation as well as decisions of both parties and take notes of what has been said.
If no decision is met, the union has the right, if the employee approve it, take the matter to the next higher level in management until final arbitration where the complaint comes up before a practicing and independ judge or arbitrator where all parties so to speak, goes to a non-public session or court, so to speak, where all parties are sworn in and evidence are presented by both the Union and, you guessed it, that management lawyer that said he was working for you.
Your only chance now is a Good Union Arbitration Representative who really knows the law. The Union now pulls out their top gun Representative to go against management's lawyer. The rest is history.
When you retain the help of an attorney you pay and pay big for their knowledge and help. As you have seen from the description above why wouldn't you want to pay for the same representation. It is not fair to paying members when sorry no good non-paying workers take advantage of paying union members.
So much is made of "The Right To Work Law". I say get it. It wont change a thing. Join a union or not and keep on working. But remember, a lawyer is as good as the amount of money he's charging. Nothing from nothing leaves nothing!
About the issue of what we do with that money collected from willing members. That's our business.
Tea Party find another issue. You must really be scared of losing in 2012.
Think about it and Pass this on!
God bless!
The Right To Work law is a Tea Party "no brainier"
Friday, June 24, 2011
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Week end finisher
Tax increase may not be so bad! A new look at how it just may work. By Bishop Ward
Tacking the debt is a big problem especially when there loom a $14 trillion national debt, according to Treasure
Many of the debt problems have been pushed off on and blamed on Obama and his administration by the Republican Party who forget who started the downfall of our economy, "them", under George bush Administration.
When Bush took office from Bill Clinton in Jan 2001 the debt was nearly 6 trillion dollars. This rose to 9 trillion dollars and was such when Obama took over a slump nation that has fallen into recession in 2009.
In every recessions drastic measures must be taken in all areas of our economy to prevent and slow shut downs. Such measures were needed and needed fast. This is where the stimulus package came into effect.
Monies and help had to be given to all aspect of our economy to prevent either business or party from failing because each depends upon the other.
The Republican Party objected to helping Americans by attempting to block funding's for those losing their homes (Houses), or Aid to low income workers and the unemployed, Direct cash payments (Social Security, veteran on disabilities etc.), infrastructures (transportation and etc.), Health care , Education, Energy, Homeland security, Law enforcement, Repeal bank credit, Tax incentives for companies, Tax incentives for individuals and the list goes on. This price tag sent the debt up another 5 trillion dollars. But it worked.
Obama and his administration has only raised the debt ceiling another 5 trillion dollars compared to a balance budget inherited by George Bush where in 2001 of nearely 6 trillion dollars. Looking the other way and letting big businesses rob the country blind started the debt to rise out of control from over 5 millions dollars to 9 million dollars when Obama took office. Also, high cost wars all over the world was started and passed on to Obama.
The Republicans are saying Obama ran the debt to 14 trillion dollars when in actuality he added only 5 trillion to an already 9 trillion debt. This was needed for recovery.
The bottom line here is that when you are in debt you borrow to get out of it. This is how Americans have always taken care of their debts. The government is no different. In order to repay the debt, we cut back on spending ( cut taxes). Set a budget and (add money) to it for special needs.
Cutting back makes it hard to live properly. Sooner or later you will borrow from "Peter to pay Paul". The only recourse to paying off the debt and getting back to your comfort zone is to get another job that will bring in more money (tax increase). This is simple enough my dog can understand it.
Think about it!
God bless!
Tax increase may not be so bad! A new look at how it just may work.
Week end finisher
Tax increase may not be so bad! A new look at how it just may work. By Bishop Ward
Tacking the debt is a big problem especially when there loom a $14 trillion national debt, according to Treasure
Many of the debt problems have been pushed off on and blamed on Obama and his administration by the Republican Party who forget who started the downfall of our economy, "them", under George bush Administration.
When Bush took office from Bill Clinton in Jan 2001 the debt was nearly 6 trillion dollars. This rose to 9 trillion dollars and was such when Obama took over a slump nation that has fallen into recession in 2009.
In every recessions drastic measures must be taken in all areas of our economy to prevent and slow shut downs. Such measures were needed and needed fast. This is where the stimulus package came into effect.
Monies and help had to be given to all aspect of our economy to prevent either business or party from failing because each depends upon the other.
The Republican Party objected to helping Americans by attempting to block funding's for those losing their homes (Houses), or Aid to low income workers and the unemployed, Direct cash payments (Social Security, veteran on disabilities etc.), infrastructures (transportation and etc.), Health care , Education, Energy, Homeland security, Law enforcement, Repeal bank credit, Tax incentives for companies, Tax incentives for individuals and the list goes on. This price tag sent the debt up another 5 trillion dollars. But it worked.
Obama and his administration has only raised the debt ceiling another 5 trillion dollars compared to a balance budget inherited by George Bush where in 2001 of nearely 6 trillion dollars. Looking the other way and letting big businesses rob the country blind started the debt to rise out of control from over 5 millions dollars to 9 million dollars when Obama took office. Also, high cost wars all over the world was started and passed on to Obama.
The Republicans are saying Obama ran the debt to 14 trillion dollars when in actuality he added only 5 trillion to an already 9 trillion debt. This was needed for recovery.
The bottom line here is that when you are in debt you borrow to get out of it. This is how Americans have always taken care of their debts. The government is no different. In order to repay the debt, we cut back on spending ( cut taxes). Set a budget and (add money) to it for special needs.
Cutting back makes it hard to live properly. Sooner or later you will borrow from "Peter to pay Paul". The only recourse to paying off the debt and getting back to your comfort zone is to get another job that will bring in more money (tax increase). This is simple enough my dog can understand it.
Think about it!
God bless!
Tax increase may not be so bad! A new look at how it just may work.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
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What have the Republicans done to help this country recover? "Nothing!" By Bishop Ward
Democrats need to step up their game. This is a crucial election coming up and Republicans are reaching out to those hardest affected.
Republicans haven't did anything to help the country recover from a nasty recession, but that don't stop them from wooing middle and upper class voters pretending they no what's best for them and the country.
All the Republican cronies fighting for their party choice are all losers when it comes to how poor people have been treated in their state. Poor people have remained at the bottom with no help from them. Instead, they are trying to take what little they have away while at the same time promising them a false good life.
For decades, Democrats have focused on the poor through better homes, better jobs, better schools and teachers, better protection from robbing insurance companies, better insurance coverage for good health, better cost of living increases, better worker's protection and so on.
These are the things that the wealthy Republicans want to take away, be in charge of, control and manipulate the lives of poor people. They want to protect big millionaires dollars by making us slaves to them. Why else would they force Obama last December 2010 to give tax breaks to big time millionaires of billion dollars companies or they would not vote to give poor struggling poor people their small and pitiful unemployment compensation.
These Republicans, if elected for president of this country, will go even further to take from the poor and give to the rich even more. They will put the country back in recession.
Democrats need to make it plain to those poor Democrats who want to give up or has lost hope, that it take time to make every thing work. The process has been started, now lets wait and see it through to the end.
I'll best choice is still Obama.
Keep the faith and ask your self this question? What have the Republican done to help the country? You will come up with "nothing, nothing, nothing".
Think about it!
God bless!
What have the Republicans done to help this country recover? "Nothing!"
What have the Republicans done to help this country recover? "Nothing!" By Bishop Ward
Democrats need to step up their game. This is a crucial election coming up and Republicans are reaching out to those hardest affected.
Republicans haven't did anything to help the country recover from a nasty recession, but that don't stop them from wooing middle and upper class voters pretending they no what's best for them and the country.
All the Republican cronies fighting for their party choice are all losers when it comes to how poor people have been treated in their state. Poor people have remained at the bottom with no help from them. Instead, they are trying to take what little they have away while at the same time promising them a false good life.
For decades, Democrats have focused on the poor through better homes, better jobs, better schools and teachers, better protection from robbing insurance companies, better insurance coverage for good health, better cost of living increases, better worker's protection and so on.
These are the things that the wealthy Republicans want to take away, be in charge of, control and manipulate the lives of poor people. They want to protect big millionaires dollars by making us slaves to them. Why else would they force Obama last December 2010 to give tax breaks to big time millionaires of billion dollars companies or they would not vote to give poor struggling poor people their small and pitiful unemployment compensation.
These Republicans, if elected for president of this country, will go even further to take from the poor and give to the rich even more. They will put the country back in recession.
Democrats need to make it plain to those poor Democrats who want to give up or has lost hope, that it take time to make every thing work. The process has been started, now lets wait and see it through to the end.
I'll best choice is still Obama.
Keep the faith and ask your self this question? What have the Republican done to help the country? You will come up with "nothing, nothing, nothing".
Think about it!
God bless!
What have the Republicans done to help this country recover? "Nothing!"
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
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Do Republicans candidate/s really want to repeal "Sweet Obamacare" or kill it altogether? By Bishop Ward
It seem every one in the Republican Party wants to run for President of the United States and repeal "Sweet Obamacare". What is going on here? I'll never seen such a line up of candidates in one party seeking this high office job. Sooner or later I'm going to run out of web space trying to cover these cronies.
Why are they so focus on taking healthcare from us poor people? We don't have much. All we want is a little bit of what wealthy Republicans have or even what the poor wealthy Republicans have. The poor Republicans must be wealthy also or they wouldn't be voting against themselves.
Health care is some thing that Republicans do not want poor people to have. There are over five million medicare recipients receiving free health care screening for early preventive medicine that's saving lives because of the passage of "Sweet Obamacare Reform", which the Republican want to put a stop too. They say it cost to much to give poor people this free help. It runs the debt up.
For all of these candidates and the one finally chose to run for the party against Obama, health care will be their highest priority. They pretend and talk about spending being out of control and high debts, but health care is their number one task if they win the White House.
But there is some thing many of us are not thinking of and that if they win the presidency poor people who have adjusted and benefiting from Health Reform will find them selves losing it all. Because with how the Republican party hates it, it wouldn't be no surprise to me it they kill health care reform all together. Remember, over decades they never wanted it and always voted against it.
We can't take that chance of losing what it took decades to get. They will say they are going to make it better. This is to fool their poor sick voters. We know how they twist and lie about things. We can't go back to where we were. I don't trust them at nothing they say. You shouldn't either.
We must prepare ourselves to vote against them and tell your poor sick friends who needs medicare and other medical needs given through Healthcare Reform to vote for "life and wellness". Vote for Obama! Vote for "Sweet Obamacare"!
Because Obama simply, "CARE" about poor people.
Think about it!
God bless!
Do Republicans candidate/s really want to repeal "Sweet Obamacare" or kill it altogether?
Do Republicans candidate/s really want to repeal "Sweet Obamacare" or kill it altogether? By Bishop Ward
It seem every one in the Republican Party wants to run for President of the United States and repeal "Sweet Obamacare". What is going on here? I'll never seen such a line up of candidates in one party seeking this high office job. Sooner or later I'm going to run out of web space trying to cover these cronies.
Why are they so focus on taking healthcare from us poor people? We don't have much. All we want is a little bit of what wealthy Republicans have or even what the poor wealthy Republicans have. The poor Republicans must be wealthy also or they wouldn't be voting against themselves.
Health care is some thing that Republicans do not want poor people to have. There are over five million medicare recipients receiving free health care screening for early preventive medicine that's saving lives because of the passage of "Sweet Obamacare Reform", which the Republican want to put a stop too. They say it cost to much to give poor people this free help. It runs the debt up.
For all of these candidates and the one finally chose to run for the party against Obama, health care will be their highest priority. They pretend and talk about spending being out of control and high debts, but health care is their number one task if they win the White House.
But there is some thing many of us are not thinking of and that if they win the presidency poor people who have adjusted and benefiting from Health Reform will find them selves losing it all. Because with how the Republican party hates it, it wouldn't be no surprise to me it they kill health care reform all together. Remember, over decades they never wanted it and always voted against it.
We can't take that chance of losing what it took decades to get. They will say they are going to make it better. This is to fool their poor sick voters. We know how they twist and lie about things. We can't go back to where we were. I don't trust them at nothing they say. You shouldn't either.
We must prepare ourselves to vote against them and tell your poor sick friends who needs medicare and other medical needs given through Healthcare Reform to vote for "life and wellness". Vote for Obama! Vote for "Sweet Obamacare"!
Because Obama simply, "CARE" about poor people.
Think about it!
God bless!
Do Republicans candidate/s really want to repeal "Sweet Obamacare" or kill it altogether?
Friday, June 17, 2011
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Week end finisher
Where is the Church and big time ministers when God needs them?
By,Bishop Ward
I woke this morning furious with the world and especially with the United States and the Churches and religions that dwells within it.
As I pondered the thought, it came to me that there is something going on here that is bigger than any thing the world the people give thought of and it's fearful.
While we go about our business of putting all our energy into our own personal glories of high unemployment, debts, loving our homes, cars, partying, dealing in stocks, activities and reaching for riches, we are bringing destruction upon ourselves in the near future and well deserve the punishment God will place upon the earth.
The United States, a nation that once had a relationship with God is no longer under the wings of God, but is caught up into open blasphemy by voting to create laws to undermine the very God that made us great by approving homosexuality. A sin God hates to his very core. A sin that undermine his very creation.
What's so much more sad and scary is that the Church with it's big time ministers who blow up the TV screens and Churches every day and Sundays are scared to death to speak out furiously against homosexuality.
Where are the signs that should be posted in front of their churches? Where are these big time TV ministers who so-called love God? They are hiding and scared to death of the government and of losing their tax church status giving to them by the government.
When are the Churches going to war for God? When will it "Put on the Armor of God and armor up?. Playing Church, robbing God, and doing nothing to stop or even slow the gay disease that's infesting our world do not make you a saint. You are a coward. And God can do nothing with a coward.
Homosexuality is the greatest threat of the world falling apart and causing God to make a move.
There are over a hundred millions Christians or professing Christians that votes in this country. Whether Democrat or Republican, that's enough people that could have prevented homosexuality from spreading to the degree it is today. hey did nothing and is doing nothing. Yet, the Church preferred to get rich and look good to it's congregation with stylish ways.
Let's get back to our punishment. You see many Churches believes nothing great will happen before Israel's seven year peace agreement or regaining the Temple Mount. Not so!
You see, we are not past pestilent and diseases, hunger, even more and worst storms and earthquakes before the events above take place. I don't know what it will be or when but I believe it has to happen. And as we move closer to a Sodom and Gomorra state, it will happen.
Total chaos will put the Church in a bull's eye by the government and the people, but we must stand for God. Right now it is quiet, but the time is fastly coming when we will be jailed, fined and even killed for speaking out against homosexuality. That's how bad it's becoming. You know it and I know it.
News media's will be the eyes and voices to track us down and bring law enforcement down on us. They will twist the word of God and be the main means to destroy or silence the Church. It is here now! News media quickly condemn and shame any one who say the word "Gay". I'm right about that too, and you know it.
It is perfectly right to get involved into governmental affairs and our economy. Those things will be. The world will go on as usual. People will laugh and play. Unknowingly it is upon us. Then the cleansing!
This may sound scary or even a pitch for a good novel and may or not even happen. But the time is ripe. Moving closer! We wait!
Church get busy and open your mouths. Not just behind closed doors, but make a noise outside! I've done my part! Nuff said!
Think about it!
God bless!
Where is the Church and big time ministers when God needs them?
Week end finisher
Where is the Church and big time ministers when God needs them?
By,Bishop Ward
I woke this morning furious with the world and especially with the United States and the Churches and religions that dwells within it.
As I pondered the thought, it came to me that there is something going on here that is bigger than any thing the world the people give thought of and it's fearful.
While we go about our business of putting all our energy into our own personal glories of high unemployment, debts, loving our homes, cars, partying, dealing in stocks, activities and reaching for riches, we are bringing destruction upon ourselves in the near future and well deserve the punishment God will place upon the earth.
The United States, a nation that once had a relationship with God is no longer under the wings of God, but is caught up into open blasphemy by voting to create laws to undermine the very God that made us great by approving homosexuality. A sin God hates to his very core. A sin that undermine his very creation.
What's so much more sad and scary is that the Church with it's big time ministers who blow up the TV screens and Churches every day and Sundays are scared to death to speak out furiously against homosexuality.
Where are the signs that should be posted in front of their churches? Where are these big time TV ministers who so-called love God? They are hiding and scared to death of the government and of losing their tax church status giving to them by the government.
When are the Churches going to war for God? When will it "Put on the Armor of God and armor up?. Playing Church, robbing God, and doing nothing to stop or even slow the gay disease that's infesting our world do not make you a saint. You are a coward. And God can do nothing with a coward.
Homosexuality is the greatest threat of the world falling apart and causing God to make a move.
There are over a hundred millions Christians or professing Christians that votes in this country. Whether Democrat or Republican, that's enough people that could have prevented homosexuality from spreading to the degree it is today. hey did nothing and is doing nothing. Yet, the Church preferred to get rich and look good to it's congregation with stylish ways.
Let's get back to our punishment. You see many Churches believes nothing great will happen before Israel's seven year peace agreement or regaining the Temple Mount. Not so!
You see, we are not past pestilent and diseases, hunger, even more and worst storms and earthquakes before the events above take place. I don't know what it will be or when but I believe it has to happen. And as we move closer to a Sodom and Gomorra state, it will happen.
Total chaos will put the Church in a bull's eye by the government and the people, but we must stand for God. Right now it is quiet, but the time is fastly coming when we will be jailed, fined and even killed for speaking out against homosexuality. That's how bad it's becoming. You know it and I know it.
News media's will be the eyes and voices to track us down and bring law enforcement down on us. They will twist the word of God and be the main means to destroy or silence the Church. It is here now! News media quickly condemn and shame any one who say the word "Gay". I'm right about that too, and you know it.
It is perfectly right to get involved into governmental affairs and our economy. Those things will be. The world will go on as usual. People will laugh and play. Unknowingly it is upon us. Then the cleansing!
This may sound scary or even a pitch for a good novel and may or not even happen. But the time is ripe. Moving closer! We wait!
Church get busy and open your mouths. Not just behind closed doors, but make a noise outside! I've done my part! Nuff said!
Think about it!
God bless!
Where is the Church and big time ministers when God needs them?
Thursday, June 16, 2011
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Mitt Romney jokes he's unemployed. Yet, is worth 10's of million of dollars. by Bishop Ward
In a coffee shop in Tampa, Flordia, Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney, a multimillionaire, joked today in a meeting with unemployed, joked that he is unemployed, prompting laughter among the unemployed people with whom he was meeting.
He quickly drew criticism from the chairwoman of the Democratic National, Committee Chairman, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, a US House member from Florida who released a statement branding the comments “inappropriate and insensitive to the millions of Americans looking for work.”
More should have been said about this rich cronie who thinks its funny to be unemployed. Yet, this is the guy poor Republicans, who he makes fun of, think care about them. They think this guy is great like "Tony the Tiger!"
What about those so-called unemployed folks sitting around this table enjoying brunch. Poor and unemployed people I know could not afford such a meal. Their bills would come first. Yet, there they are, laughing and joking about being unemployed. Sound like well off folks to me.
Let's get back to Mitt.....
Mitt Romney just laughed publicly in the face of the unemployed. He has millions of dollars. He's so rich that as governor of Massachusetts he didn't even take a salary. Yet, the poor people of his state suffered under his reign as governor.
His attitude show just how much sympathy and how much compassion he has for some one who's really unemployed. It no joke not being able to feed your family or pay basic bills and provide for family members that depend on them for survival.
Romney is a product of the Tea Party and he's showing us just what the Tea Party has in stow for poor people. More unemployment and more tax breaks for the rich.
Think about it!
God bless!
Mitt Romney jokes he's unemployed yet is worth 10's of million of dollars
Mitt Romney jokes he's unemployed. Yet, is worth 10's of million of dollars. by Bishop Ward
In a coffee shop in Tampa, Flordia, Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney, a multimillionaire, joked today in a meeting with unemployed, joked that he is unemployed, prompting laughter among the unemployed people with whom he was meeting.
He quickly drew criticism from the chairwoman of the Democratic National, Committee Chairman, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, a US House member from Florida who released a statement branding the comments “inappropriate and insensitive to the millions of Americans looking for work.”
More should have been said about this rich cronie who thinks its funny to be unemployed. Yet, this is the guy poor Republicans, who he makes fun of, think care about them. They think this guy is great like "Tony the Tiger!"
What about those so-called unemployed folks sitting around this table enjoying brunch. Poor and unemployed people I know could not afford such a meal. Their bills would come first. Yet, there they are, laughing and joking about being unemployed. Sound like well off folks to me.
Let's get back to Mitt.....
Mitt Romney just laughed publicly in the face of the unemployed. He has millions of dollars. He's so rich that as governor of Massachusetts he didn't even take a salary. Yet, the poor people of his state suffered under his reign as governor.
His attitude show just how much sympathy and how much compassion he has for some one who's really unemployed. It no joke not being able to feed your family or pay basic bills and provide for family members that depend on them for survival.
Romney is a product of the Tea Party and he's showing us just what the Tea Party has in stow for poor people. More unemployment and more tax breaks for the rich.
Think about it!
God bless!
Mitt Romney jokes he's unemployed yet is worth 10's of million of dollars
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
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Remote controlled New Hampshire presidential Republican candidates Monday night was a shamble. One by one these cronies that killed the spirit of America begged Americans to let them finish the job they started under George Bush. By Bishop ward
These rich vampires headed a who's who list of poor people blood suckers like Michele Bachman, Tim Pawlenty, Mick Romney, Newt Gingrich, Herman Cane, and Ron Paul. All wanting to bury sick people by refusing to give medicare care and help to those needing government assistance.
Poor people must wake up and realize that with out the government helping us we will suffer under a government that believe in not involving itself in our lives. If we let the Republican take over the government we will be left to suffer and die.
Did any one but me notice the crowd of people attending this function? There were only rich and wealthy snobby people who wouldn't give poor people the time of day. Not even poor Republicans. They are too stupid to see that when they take away "sweet Obamacare", it hurt them as well as Democratic poor people.
There are a lot of Silly Republicans with out health care and is suffering but is willing to suffer more to get their politician in office just to spite Obama and the Democratic Party. This is stupidity at it's highest.
Michele Bachman freely told Democrats and the nation that she will be running the country from the Tea Party principles because only the Tea Party is right and know what's best for America. She is a Remote Controlled candidate that will be a remote controlled President representing on the Tea party. And we know what the Tea Party stand for. Then again, all of these cronies will be remotely controlled by the Tea Party.
Poor people we must unite now. If this type of Tea Party Republican get to be president, we will really be in some serious trouble.
Think about it!
God bless!
New Hampshire presidential Republican candidates Monday night was a shamble
Remote controlled New Hampshire presidential Republican candidates Monday night was a shamble. One by one these cronies that killed the spirit of America begged Americans to let them finish the job they started under George Bush. By Bishop ward
These rich vampires headed a who's who list of poor people blood suckers like Michele Bachman, Tim Pawlenty, Mick Romney, Newt Gingrich, Herman Cane, and Ron Paul. All wanting to bury sick people by refusing to give medicare care and help to those needing government assistance.
Poor people must wake up and realize that with out the government helping us we will suffer under a government that believe in not involving itself in our lives. If we let the Republican take over the government we will be left to suffer and die.
Did any one but me notice the crowd of people attending this function? There were only rich and wealthy snobby people who wouldn't give poor people the time of day. Not even poor Republicans. They are too stupid to see that when they take away "sweet Obamacare", it hurt them as well as Democratic poor people.
There are a lot of Silly Republicans with out health care and is suffering but is willing to suffer more to get their politician in office just to spite Obama and the Democratic Party. This is stupidity at it's highest.
Michele Bachman freely told Democrats and the nation that she will be running the country from the Tea Party principles because only the Tea Party is right and know what's best for America. She is a Remote Controlled candidate that will be a remote controlled President representing on the Tea party. And we know what the Tea Party stand for. Then again, all of these cronies will be remotely controlled by the Tea Party.
Poor people we must unite now. If this type of Tea Party Republican get to be president, we will really be in some serious trouble.
Think about it!
God bless!
New Hampshire presidential Republican candidates Monday night was a shamble
Monday, June 13, 2011
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Republicans gave the country cancer. Obama cured it. Here comes remote controlled Tea party candidates to spread it again. By Bishop Ward
This coming 2012 presidential election will be the biggest election ever. The Tea Party is betting on Democrats, Independents and poor republicans being discussed with the overall condition of the economy and fall apart.
The Tea Party has built up a movement off of the "rich", the "have a lots" and vow to work their butts off to put their "remote controlled candidate" in office as president of this country.
Who they pick want make a different's since each Republican candidate is a Tea Party backer and relying on the Tea Party to get them over.
This is good for Democrats since we despise the Tea Party because we knows what they really stand for. The Rich! The oil companies, the businesses that hate unions that provide employees with less than adequate pay, insurance, safety precautions and gear, bad working conditions and of course, firing and threats of firing if employees complain. This is the kind of nation the Tea Party and Republicans want for us.
If their candidate get into office poor people will be in trouble. Spanish immigrants will certainly be targeted as well as Muslims, not to mention blacks and Spanish Americans who already are on the low end of employment.
The real problem we have in the Democratic Party is staying focus on the real issues facing us. And that jobs. Many are disappointed in things not moving as fast as they want them. But it takes time.
The Tea Party and Republicans are spreading hate rumors that the economy is in super bad condition and that Obama and his policies did it to us. The truth being told, it is the other way around. It was them.
It take time to cure cancer. That's what the Republican Party gave the nation. Cancer that could only be prevented from becoming malignant by Obama's quick diagnosis of it and found that he could do critical surgery and prevent it from spreading any further. But he warned, "it would take time for full recovery, but we will live.
The Tea Party, unhappy with Obama's operation, want to plant a new cancer and put scare and fear into us that the cancer is still there even though we are felling much better.
In order to get better we must take our medicine. It may taste bad but it's working. Cancer take months and years, for some, to cure. The Cancer the Republican gave us was a bad one. It gonna take years.
Democrats must not allow another Tea Party controlled candidate to sicken the country again. we must wake up and pay attention to what they really want for America. And we "the poor people", are not on their agenda.
Republicans gave the country cancer. Obama cured it.
Republicans gave the country cancer. Obama cured it. Here comes remote controlled Tea party candidates to spread it again. By Bishop Ward
This coming 2012 presidential election will be the biggest election ever. The Tea Party is betting on Democrats, Independents and poor republicans being discussed with the overall condition of the economy and fall apart.
The Tea Party has built up a movement off of the "rich", the "have a lots" and vow to work their butts off to put their "remote controlled candidate" in office as president of this country.
Who they pick want make a different's since each Republican candidate is a Tea Party backer and relying on the Tea Party to get them over.
This is good for Democrats since we despise the Tea Party because we knows what they really stand for. The Rich! The oil companies, the businesses that hate unions that provide employees with less than adequate pay, insurance, safety precautions and gear, bad working conditions and of course, firing and threats of firing if employees complain. This is the kind of nation the Tea Party and Republicans want for us.
If their candidate get into office poor people will be in trouble. Spanish immigrants will certainly be targeted as well as Muslims, not to mention blacks and Spanish Americans who already are on the low end of employment.
The real problem we have in the Democratic Party is staying focus on the real issues facing us. And that jobs. Many are disappointed in things not moving as fast as they want them. But it takes time.
The Tea Party and Republicans are spreading hate rumors that the economy is in super bad condition and that Obama and his policies did it to us. The truth being told, it is the other way around. It was them.
It take time to cure cancer. That's what the Republican Party gave the nation. Cancer that could only be prevented from becoming malignant by Obama's quick diagnosis of it and found that he could do critical surgery and prevent it from spreading any further. But he warned, "it would take time for full recovery, but we will live.
The Tea Party, unhappy with Obama's operation, want to plant a new cancer and put scare and fear into us that the cancer is still there even though we are felling much better.
In order to get better we must take our medicine. It may taste bad but it's working. Cancer take months and years, for some, to cure. The Cancer the Republican gave us was a bad one. It gonna take years.
Democrats must not allow another Tea Party controlled candidate to sicken the country again. we must wake up and pay attention to what they really want for America. And we "the poor people", are not on their agenda.
Republicans gave the country cancer. Obama cured it.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
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Why do sinful people seem to want to judge Rep. Anthony Weiner? They are no better than him.
By Bishop Ward
The United States is a sinful and rebellious nation. What give sinners the right to judge another sinner? When did so many Americans suddenly become perfect?
How can an immoral nation that approves one of the worst acts possible, "homosexuality", which is forever, disapprove vehemently nude pictures that can be forgiven and destroyed in seconds.
Most Americans have their closet full of skeletal's they will never reveal and wish they could forget. If you do not have skeletals then you must be perfect and should not be among us imperfect ones. You have already reached an immortal status of a so-called little god.
I find that the most hypocrites out there are the ones doing the judging. Especially the news media that's spreading the hate and filthy pictures as though this is the right thing to do. They are no better than Weiner.
Frankly, I don't care what Weiner does. But I would not quit my job based on people that's done much worst. We have bigger issues facing our country than nude photos. When I look at the economy and debt I think that the Republicans should be forced to resign from office for terrorizing this countries economy and holding us hostage.
We poor people are suffering and our government has stop working on the country's problems and spending weeks trying to get Weiner to resign.
We poor people didn't put you in office to vote on nude photos or hold investigations because he didn't send certain women or men a photo of himself.
The economy is all we want to hear about. So get you sorry behinds back to work and fix it. (see temp agencies the cause of high unemployment) for a start.
Think about it!
God bless!
Why do sinful people seem to want to judge Rep. Anthony Weiner?
Why do sinful people seem to want to judge Rep. Anthony Weiner? They are no better than him.
By Bishop Ward
The United States is a sinful and rebellious nation. What give sinners the right to judge another sinner? When did so many Americans suddenly become perfect?
How can an immoral nation that approves one of the worst acts possible, "homosexuality", which is forever, disapprove vehemently nude pictures that can be forgiven and destroyed in seconds.
Most Americans have their closet full of skeletal's they will never reveal and wish they could forget. If you do not have skeletals then you must be perfect and should not be among us imperfect ones. You have already reached an immortal status of a so-called little god.
I find that the most hypocrites out there are the ones doing the judging. Especially the news media that's spreading the hate and filthy pictures as though this is the right thing to do. They are no better than Weiner.
Frankly, I don't care what Weiner does. But I would not quit my job based on people that's done much worst. We have bigger issues facing our country than nude photos. When I look at the economy and debt I think that the Republicans should be forced to resign from office for terrorizing this countries economy and holding us hostage.
We poor people are suffering and our government has stop working on the country's problems and spending weeks trying to get Weiner to resign.
We poor people didn't put you in office to vote on nude photos or hold investigations because he didn't send certain women or men a photo of himself.
The economy is all we want to hear about. So get you sorry behinds back to work and fix it. (see temp agencies the cause of high unemployment) for a start.
Think about it!
God bless!
Why do sinful people seem to want to judge Rep. Anthony Weiner?
Monday, June 6, 2011
Santorum thinks poor people are on cocaine.
By Bishop Ward
SOMERSET, Pa - Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum entered the 2012 Republican presidential race today, saying he wants to protect American freedoms under threat from President Barack Obama.
Santorum charged that Obama has worked to undermine Americans' liberties, imposed a national health care plan that saps individual choices, spends billions of dollars that will add to the debt of future generations and that the president lacks faith in the nation's potential.
What is wrong this groups of Republicans running for the highest office of this nation. They all seem to think poor people are on crack and cocaine and don't remember or care what they, the conservatives, have done to this nation and what they want to do even further to it.
This party claim Obama want to take away our freedom when it is them that want to control the money and poor people lives.
Santorum talks about choices. Every one knows poor people have no choices. We are always at the mercy of those that have. The choices Republicans speak about is the freedom for them to make choices for us.
So for, their choices have been wrong for poor people and wrong for the country. All we have is a good medical program given by Obama and they want the freedom to take it away. We have to be careful, because medicare for poor people is something the Republican Party has never wanted for us ever.
They speak about the debt. This debt brought us back from a recession they put us in. Now that we are out, they want to speak about the money it cost to do it. They don't like it. "This don't sound patriotic to me". It sound like Republicans wanted the country to fail.
The only reason Santorum and other Republicans are running for President is to return power back to big businesses, do away with unions and put more money and tax breaks into the hands of the rich while keeping wages low to control the growth of poor people.
Santorum is backed by many so-called Christians conservatives who follow and believe that healthcare for the poor is the wrong thing to give to poor people.
I believe the wrong thing for so-called Christian Conservatives to do is call themselves Christians.
Think about it!
God bless!
Santorum thinks poor people are on cocaine.
Friday, June 3, 2011
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Temporary hiring agencies and potential employers may be the reason for high unemployment. By Bishop Ward
Temporaries hiring agencies all across America have taken away most job seekers advantage to secure a permanent job.
Temporary agencies work as an intermediary to provide an outlet for job seeker and potential employer to come together. Many are geared toward a specific profession, such as health care, general labor or office work. Companies pay the agency to find them temporary employees to fill a specific need. The agency saves them the time of screening, hiring and firing job candidates.
Temporary agencies hire the employee themselves. The job seeker reports to and receives payment from the agency, not the company they do the job for.
Temporary workers are not usually given benefits. Employers do not have to worry about offering benefits and paying employee taxes.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 3.1 wage and salary jobs were provided by employment services in 2008. They provided work to 74 percent of industry workers.
Contracting temp agencies an employer gains access to a pool of workers who receive the same rate of pay no matter what job they are doing.
Temps who have been working at the same site for over a year, will still get the same pay, without benefits or job stability. Now days the longest some workers can work is one year. Then other temps are replaced by new temps no matter how good they are. Ofttimes workers pass each other on the way off a job as they are leaving.
No way unemployment can go down and stay down! It keep rotating and repeating itself.
For the entire time temps are employed, the temping agency has been charging for that worker’s services. Often the temping agency can collect between $20-25 an hour, and give only $10-12 to the worker.
Employers through these agencies will never permanently hire most new employees because of this hiring system. Old workers are retained, but raises are limited to them. Once they retire, if not a way found to fire them, more temps are hired. This sucks!
As for as temps are concern they are being used to save employers more money to buy million dollars homes, yachts and more at temps expense.
Many Republicans running for president are aware that Temps agencies and employer collusion are responsible for high unemployment because of their greediness. It is not Obama nor is it Republican fault. Yet, they need something to talk about.
. Hiring special skill people in special skilled jobs won't do it. The high school graduate, must be giving a fair opportunity to work also. Besides we all know that special skill is just another way of keeping non graduates out who can do the same job with little training. It's called "OJT", "on the job training".
Temping agencies are presenting blocks to the growth of meaningful long-term employment opportunities. At the rate they are growing, unemployment will never come down but keep going up. The government must realize this and begin an effort to close these businesses down.
Free Enterprise should no exist to the point that it bring down our nation and it's economy from within. Terrorism can exist in many forms. We are being terrorized by Temps agencies and employing businesses.
We, the poor people, have discovered the reason for high unemployment. Now what will the government do about it. This is the only way to stop it. "Shut them down" and "do it now"! "It's the only way".
I'm asking all the people to get involve and you will see that I am right.
Think about it!
God bless!
Temporary hiring agencies and potential employers may be the reason for high unemployment
Temporary hiring agencies and potential employers may be the reason for high unemployment. By Bishop Ward
Temporaries hiring agencies all across America have taken away most job seekers advantage to secure a permanent job.
Temporary agencies work as an intermediary to provide an outlet for job seeker and potential employer to come together. Many are geared toward a specific profession, such as health care, general labor or office work. Companies pay the agency to find them temporary employees to fill a specific need. The agency saves them the time of screening, hiring and firing job candidates.
Temporary agencies hire the employee themselves. The job seeker reports to and receives payment from the agency, not the company they do the job for.
Temporary workers are not usually given benefits. Employers do not have to worry about offering benefits and paying employee taxes.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 3.1 wage and salary jobs were provided by employment services in 2008. They provided work to 74 percent of industry workers.
Contracting temp agencies an employer gains access to a pool of workers who receive the same rate of pay no matter what job they are doing.
Temps who have been working at the same site for over a year, will still get the same pay, without benefits or job stability. Now days the longest some workers can work is one year. Then other temps are replaced by new temps no matter how good they are. Ofttimes workers pass each other on the way off a job as they are leaving.
No way unemployment can go down and stay down! It keep rotating and repeating itself.
For the entire time temps are employed, the temping agency has been charging for that worker’s services. Often the temping agency can collect between $20-25 an hour, and give only $10-12 to the worker.
Employers through these agencies will never permanently hire most new employees because of this hiring system. Old workers are retained, but raises are limited to them. Once they retire, if not a way found to fire them, more temps are hired. This sucks!
As for as temps are concern they are being used to save employers more money to buy million dollars homes, yachts and more at temps expense.
Many Republicans running for president are aware that Temps agencies and employer collusion are responsible for high unemployment because of their greediness. It is not Obama nor is it Republican fault. Yet, they need something to talk about.
. Hiring special skill people in special skilled jobs won't do it. The high school graduate, must be giving a fair opportunity to work also. Besides we all know that special skill is just another way of keeping non graduates out who can do the same job with little training. It's called "OJT", "on the job training".
Temping agencies are presenting blocks to the growth of meaningful long-term employment opportunities. At the rate they are growing, unemployment will never come down but keep going up. The government must realize this and begin an effort to close these businesses down.
Free Enterprise should no exist to the point that it bring down our nation and it's economy from within. Terrorism can exist in many forms. We are being terrorized by Temps agencies and employing businesses.
We, the poor people, have discovered the reason for high unemployment. Now what will the government do about it. This is the only way to stop it. "Shut them down" and "do it now"! "It's the only way".
I'm asking all the people to get involve and you will see that I am right.
Think about it!
God bless!
Temporary hiring agencies and potential employers may be the reason for high unemployment
Thursday, June 2, 2011
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Mick Romney forget he and his cronies did not help Obama stop a major recession to this nation when the nation begged for republican help. By Bishop Ward
Romney blasted Obama today as he announced his 2012 bid for President. In his speech today he cared more about Syria and Libya when he said Obama was slow to take the lead in helping these people.
What about us poor people Mr. Romney?. Shouldn't you be thinking about helping us. You and your cronies promise last November that jobs would be your number one priority. Yet, Republican legislators have done absolutely nothing.
Romney, who is rich, spoke to mostly a wealthy group of followers who want to take back from the poor what little bit we were given. Health Care and a new chance at the future!
However, unable to pay their medical bills and prescriptions, there are some poor people that are stupid enough to vote against themselves. They do it all the time then complain when their own politicians stick it to them.
I didn't hear him say anything about helping Poor People.
I don't know about you, but I'm tired of people trying to make history off of poor people's vote just to say "I was President of The United States" like Bush". Did I say make history?
Think about it!
God bless!
Mick Romney did not help America recover!
Mick Romney forget he and his cronies did not help Obama stop a major recession to this nation when the nation begged for republican help. By Bishop Ward
Romney blasted Obama today as he announced his 2012 bid for President. In his speech today he cared more about Syria and Libya when he said Obama was slow to take the lead in helping these people.
What about us poor people Mr. Romney?. Shouldn't you be thinking about helping us. You and your cronies promise last November that jobs would be your number one priority. Yet, Republican legislators have done absolutely nothing.
Romney, who is rich, spoke to mostly a wealthy group of followers who want to take back from the poor what little bit we were given. Health Care and a new chance at the future!
However, unable to pay their medical bills and prescriptions, there are some poor people that are stupid enough to vote against themselves. They do it all the time then complain when their own politicians stick it to them.
I didn't hear him say anything about helping Poor People.
I don't know about you, but I'm tired of people trying to make history off of poor people's vote just to say "I was President of The United States" like Bush". Did I say make history?
Think about it!
God bless!
Mick Romney did not help America recover!
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