Democratic Poor People

The Poor Party Movement (PPM) supports the Democratic Party and the government to look out for our interest. We are the poor from every class of people who the rich speaks for. But now we speak for our selves instead of someone else pretending they know what's right for us or how we feel.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Senator Scott Brown sex allegations is questionable!

Is Senator Scott Brown not telling the truth about his sex abuses. Many over the web seem to think so.
Scott Philip Brown is the junior United States Senator from Massachusetts and a member of the Republican Party has written a book call, "Against All Odds". Is Senator Scott Brown a liar?
In this books he make claims of being molested as a child. He also stated in the many publicity interviews showered with cameras and lights, that he never told his wife about his abuse.
He stated, in many different interviews, that he was too afraid to tell anybody, because as a child you don't want to go through the shame.
As a Minister, I'm suppose to feel the pain of others. I do!  I'm also suppose to get at the truth and expose a lie or some what a lie if I find that there is not enough information to prove a whole story.
While sexual abuses are shameless and do put the victims though a life time of sadness, embarrassment, silent, distress and worry, it does not give one the right to take advantage of what others really went through, to further a political gain.
As I watched his expressions in interviews, I did not see a real sadness. He was abused, but as a grown man and a United States Senator, he is afraid to name his abuser because he is so embarrass. I didn't see this!
I didn't read his book, but they who have, said that the abuser today would only be seven years older than Senator Scott Brown.

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